Oh - I thought the opposite
Unattractive face and really weird personality.
I wonder whether he is gay as he was so awkward with the girls (and didn't get hard when awkwardly kissing Monica) and has gay mannerisms/voice. I guess its all good exposure for whatever you want to promote

Guys, I know it's hard to believe, but there are straight men with different personalities, as rare as it may be, they do exist. We need to get out of this mindset that for a man to be straight he has to act exactly like the majority of other straights guys do.

I prefer this personality to this absurd amount of jerks, egocentric and disrespectful men that people are used to and seem to prefer, since when one appears who seems to be different, they question it.
I don’t believe it, based on the amount of repeated contestants and how aggressively they push for applications.
But the participants who have already been on the show are still the minority, so I truly believe that lack of participants will never be a problem, trust me.
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