David Beckham

I know that everybody has their own taste and I also am able to say a guy is hot, handsome, or otherwise but, I just don't see what the big deal about Beckham is. He's typical looking and cocky in an immature boy way.

Maybe someone can explain.
the close-up shot of his cock has an odd sausage-y look to it... :s
prolly fake though, the huge shadow next to the head kinda gives it away.
He being one of the biggest names in Europe, it would make a huge splash if he did pose nude. And, of course, he knows he is probably one of the most sought after to be photographed nude, so it follows he would hold out for big bucks and it would make headlines.
So no it is not him because for the above reason and he is cut.
Found this on Perez's site. He can't tell.

Perez knew full well that this was as fake as hell.

But by saying he didn't know, he got a gazillion hits for his site.

It's already banned from FamousMales and other celebrity sites as the most obvious fake since the last one that Perez posted (of Leonardo di Caprio, as I recall, although his record for posting fakes is pretty well-established). :rolleyes:
I agree with all those who say this is a fake.A very good fake,but the tell-tale signs and obvious mistakes are there(on a site like this who would NOT
notice that he isn't cut in the picture,as he is in real life.Good attempt though.I'm sure he could make huge money if he really posed fully nude.
Mario Lavenderia aka Perez Hilton is a creep.He will post anything on his blob site to get hits, even when he knows they are a fake.No wonder hes being sued left and right
Wow - I see him completely differently to you guys. Obviously none of us really know him, but I think he's a great guy - I wonder how we end up with such different takes on him?
Can anyone direct me to the right page in his book when he talks about his cock. Is it in the photo book or the grown up book(my side)?
Cheers guys,
aww gutted! i didnt think he was cut?? its not very often that british guys are cut and i prefere some foreskin (well the more the better ;-P) aww tha trite put me off him now. iv got a pic (prob to deffo fake) of him standing behind a black guy that is bent over, both fully naked, in like shower room.

and iv got a pic of what looks like him and micheal owen both naked bottem halfs and he is topping owen.

i would post them but i dunno where i can host naked pics like that with out them beeing moded.