does anyone else think they edit his penis a little?
Apart from the fact it looks a little on the "fuller" side there (which does not require editing to achieve, as all men know), the size is pretty consistent with how it looks in other shoots, with other photographers, in other settings, over the last five years. Also, Murlin has models, male and female, of every size, including smaller, less endowed guys, and doesn't edit them to be "sexier." It's sort of key to his work that everyone is natiral and varies. No reason why he'd single out David.
My boyfriend has a very large penis,* even when soft, and while it has some size change (mostly if he's been wearing briefs all day, is sitting u on the ground or a bed, or goes swimming) it is never smaller than 6-7" soft and can be shockingly huge if he's been "unconstrained" for a few hours, has just stepped out of a shower, or handles it even a little bit, lol. Literally, everyone he's dated and all the guys on his teams have joked he should do porn, which he has no interest in, and he draws attention in locker rooms and when being patted down by security at airports or events. It is crazy. David seems the same (maybe why we both like him, lol).
* this is actually a mixed blessing and if I didn't love him, the experience would definitely have a shelf life, as it's not as fun as you would think. (And please don't even joke about asking for pics. That's not his deal and why I almost never mention it.)