Davy muscle

I spent a few years in the Pentecostal church; one of the most fanatically-inclined churches within christianity if you will, but interestingly, no one was as unloving and as vile towards homosexual people as Davy is.
For Davy it's all about building an image. He's going to have to live with the results.

I'm thankful Davy's telling me exactly who he is. Not smiling to my face and chopping me up in his mind. Hate homosexuals all you want. You're just one less person to give a shit about.

I know better that to go after him for his brains. Not worth the effort. Sooo... Turn around Davy. Bend over. Spread em. Show me that pink. Just keep your mouth shut while you're doing it.
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Dang. I’ve never seen so many people concerned with the opinions of one hot guy they’ve never met. It’s like I just sat down at the lunch table with the “Mean Girls”.
They're all weak beta male pussies and they don't like it how he's calling them out. It reminds them of when they were picked on and bullied in school. I bet they hated it but secretly they all had crushes on their bullies and now they wish he'd ram their asses :joy:
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Dang. I’ve never seen so many people concerned with the opinions of one hot guy they’ve never met. It’s like I just sat down at the lunch table with the “Mean Girls”.
He puts his opinions out there for the world, so we have the right to criticize him for them.