Davy muscle

Dang. I’ve never seen so many people concerned with the opinions of one hot guy they’ve never met. It’s like I just sat down at the lunch table with the “Mean Girls”.
Isn't this post showing concern for opinions expressed against said hot guy you've never met? This is a cafeteria full of mean girls. You included. We all have Davy to thank for that.
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They're all weak beta male pussies and they don't like it how he's calling them out. It reminds them of when they were picked on and bullied in school. I bet they hated it but secretly they all had crushes on their bullies and now they wish he'd ram their asses :joy:
Well I haven't heard anyone crying yet, so I'm wondering where the weakness is. You're here to worship Davy's body. I would bet good money that you're the one looking for the Davymuscle ass ramming you mentioned. Your own words back that desire.:eek:
I'd thought this homophobe would've been done with in here, but the thread is alive and well. Give it to the gays to be thirsty beyond self-respect. Specially with a 3-inch dick on a 6+ foot man like this douche.
I'd thought this homophobe would've been done with in here, but the thread is alive and well. Give it to the gays to be thirsty beyond self-respect. Specially with a 3-inch dick on a 6+ foot man like this douche.
The man's a douchebag, but the 3in myth has been dispelled. Beat him up with facts. There are plenty of them.
Isn't this post showing concern for opinions expressed against said hot guy you've never met? This is a cafeteria full of mean girls. You included. We all have Davy to thank for that.

I haven’t posted any hate toward Davy. Sit at your own table with the other “Mean Girls”.

I don’t care what Davy’s views are but I listen. You don’t have to tolerate people you agree with.
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I haven’t posted any hate toward Davy. Sit at your own table with the other “Mean Girls”.

I don’t care what Davy’s views are but I listen. You don’t have to tolerate people you agree with.
You have 2 ears. Use both of them to listen and you'll catch everything that's said. You're not a mean girl because you hate on John(random name) not Davy? That's not how it works.

You arguing and ripping other people makes you a mean girl by definition. Davy is the common denominator in any dispute here. I'm at my own table, but we're all in the same room.

Cherry picking bullshit doesn't work with me. Blind in one eye. Deaf in one bloody ear. But never mute.
What has he said about homosexuals?
It has already been discussed. He calls homosexuality gross, against his god, etc. All while he is accused of having sold his worn underwear to gay men, wrestled for a gay studio, etc.
It has already been discussed. He calls homosexuality gross, against his god, etc. All while he is accused of having sold his worn underwear to gay men, wrestled for a gay studio, etc.
God isn't against capitalism. If gays want to buy his dirty underwear that's on them! :grinning:
You have 2 ears. Use both of them to listen and you'll catch everything that's said. You're not a mean girl because you hate on John(random name) not Davy? That's not how it works.

You arguing and ripping other people makes you a mean girl by definition. Davy is the common denominator in any dispute here. I'm at my own table, but we're all in the same room.

Cherry picking bullshit doesn't work with me. Blind in one eye. Deaf in one bloody ear. But never mute.
hi davy we would love to see your muscular white big ass and booty hole
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hi davy your white big ass is so beautiful davy we want to see you play passive role in gay porn lick dick and have anal sex man do it even once davy do it for money