Davy muscle

Nothing new on his IG? He posted yesterday. It's the same dumbass crazy. An incremental loss in followers would be ideal, but I doubt that's going to happen. It's hard to embarrass his diehards, so he gets a continual pass.
That’s what I meant, yes. A better word choice would have been “nothing relevant”.
Even more cringeworthy than the Instagram! Yikes…..
Yes some people go overboard with their demands, but his blanket response is unacceptable. However, I appreciate his honesty. He's deliberate. You go Davy. Tell people who you are. When it comes time to seek forgiveness you will get none. I'm good with that.
Even more cringeworthy than the Instagram! Yikes…..
It giving projection. I know not all homophobic men are closeted gay men and thats a dangerous sterotype to perpetuate, but this is feeling a little....ya know. How are you even seeing that much "gay propaganda" if (i assume) you block it everytime you see it??
You mean you don’t subscribe to “words from a wifey” for life, fitness, and mental health coaching from a random ND woman?! What’s wrong with you….

(1000% kidding)
The hell? I saw a pic he reposted and her hands were jacked. I was like EWWW…
Dumbass buys high end cars and lives in an apartment. Property would have been a smarter investment, but he ain’t smart and neither is she.
Honestly I'm not surprised that Facebook allows hate speech. They're terrible when it comes to things like that.
they want to be SEEN to be doing the right things, but really all they want is money and money and money.
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I am ok with him expressing his opinions, no matter how homophobic they are. at least he is honest about who he is, unlike many hateful people who would hide that not to lose followers. But what makes him really disgusting is that his social media is catered for gay guys that he hates. he makes money and fame(?!) from gay audience. he even participated in homoerotic wrestle videos, am i wrong? if he wasn't dumb enough, he would even get the clue from % of his male followers.
I am ok with him expressing his opinions, no matter how homophobic they are. at least he is honest about who he is, unlike many hateful people who would hide that not to lose followers. But what makes him really disgusting is that his social media is catered for gay guys that he hates. he makes money and fame(?!) from gay audience. he even participated in homoerotic wrestle videos, am i wrong? if he wasn't dumb enough, he would even get the clue from % of his male followers.
LOL! Who's the bigger idiot, him for being true to his values and saying what he believes in or the gays that lust after him but then throw vitriol against him because they don't like his opinions...but they still lust after him? :joy:
I am ok with him expressing his opinions, no matter how homophobic they are. at least he is honest about who he is, unlike many hateful people who would hide that not to lose followers. But what makes him really disgusting is that his social media is catered for gay guys that he hates. he makes money and fame(?!) from gay audience. he even participated in homoerotic wrestle videos, am i wrong? if he wasn't dumb enough, he would even get the clue from % of his male followers.
I would agree, but there are 2 issues here.

1. His social media could be targeting women. Gay men are free to ogle. However, some of his provocative shots may imply otherwise.

2. He's repeatedly shown who he really is. Why would any offended gay man continue to give him money/support?

The world's population is closer to 10 billion than it is to 0. Why waste time trying to convert one waste of space? Enjoy the nudes as they pop up. Keep your money in your wallet.
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