Davy muscle

If you find him revolting, why are you here?

Can you read? Serious question. Look at my post that you quoted to get your answer, specifically the first paragraph.

Oh and while you there maybe you can also answer my question, since you are one of the people I was referring to. Why are you so angry that people are criticising Davy for being a shitty person and yet have not uttered a single peep about his nudes being leaked here? Humiliating Davy with words is a lot less severe than humiliating him by posting his nudes.

Does your virtue signalling only apply to issues like freeze peach and tolerance but and when it comes to matters pertaining to those that get your dick hard, like revenge porn, it suddenly goes POOF in a cloud of smoke?

Just lol if anyone here takes you and your ilk seriously.
The same reason instant karma videos are so popular. It's hilariously entertaining and gratifying to watch shitty people get their just deserts or get dragged by others. And Davy provides exactly that by acting different in his private life than the toxic persona he puts on for social media.

Now I have a question, why are the resident members of Davys little fanclub here more incensed by people dragging Davy than people posting revenge porn of him. The latter is clearly on another level of severity than the former yet they don't seem to mind, in fact they actually like the posts of his nudes.

Not that i'm against people posting his nudes mind you. I find him revolting personally but like I said earlier, it exposes his shittyness.

Let’s paraphrase the haters:
“I’m so envious of Davy’s appearance that I’ll tear down his character instead. Who cares if I don’t show the same tolerance that I demand from others?”
There are plenty of men on social media who look just as good or better than Davy but their words and actions don’t warrant a backlash from the gay community, so your statement is inaccurate. I explained to you in detail with evidence how Davy has been bigoted and oppressive toward gay people but you ignored it. I never had to write anything like that for someone like Leon Yaki because Leon is a great looking guy who never said hateful things about us.

So no, it has nothing to do with envy. If envy were the premise, then we would all be saying negative things about every hot guy out there. This is untrue; it is Davy’s individual persona that makes him so detestable.

You must have extremely low IQ. You are incapable of forming basic analogous concepts correctly so you draw erroneous conclusions because you are mentally challenged.

Please clarify:
So Davy shouldn’t speak poorly against your community but it’s okay for you condemn him for his? You have yet to justify your bigotry toward him with any. So it’s okay for you to judge him but not for him to judge you.

Generally when someone doesn’t have an argument left to stand on, they will resort to personal attacks and name calling as you have in each of your posts to me. (Please notice that I have approached your views with only kindness and questions.)
Please clarify:
So Davy shouldn’t speak poorly against your community but it’s okay for you condemn him for his? You have yet to justify your bigotry toward him with any. So it’s okay for you to judge him but not for him to judge you.

Generally when someone doesn’t have an argument left to stand on, they will resort to personal attacks and name calling as you have in each of your posts to me. (Please notice that I have approached your views with only kindness and questions.)
His “Community”? What’s yours since you’re in here thirsting for Davy’s dick pics?
There is nothing kind about you or people like you.

You also reported my post. Here is is again without the last paragraph:

There are plenty of men on social media who look just as good or better than Davy but their words and actions don’t warrant a backlash from the gay community, so your statement is inaccurate. I explained to you in detail with evidence how Davy has been bigoted and oppressive toward gay people but you ignored it. I never had to write anything like that for someone like Leon Yaki because Leon is a great looking guy who never said hateful things about us.

So no, it has nothing to do with envy. If envy were the premise, then we would all be saying negative things about every hot guy out there. This is untrue; it is Davy’s individual persona that makes him so detestable.


Now I have 20 points on my account. I know exactly what you and Jtm do. Trying to play the victim while being bullies all through the thread.

You can call what I said earlier a personal attack but I know your game. You two aren’t here for a peaceful debate so stop pretending. “Kindness and questions.” Oh please.

I know exactly what you are and you do too. I won’t say it here because you will report me again.

Scroll through to see who is on attack and who is asking questions for clarity. It’s easier to get angry and go on verbal attacks as a keyboard warrior. You can choose to justify your bigotry as easily as Davy can. On his post it looks bad on him; here it looks bad on you.

And if you’re posts are being reported, perhaps you should ask yourself if you’re speaking to others with the same respect you want them to speak to you. That should keep you in the safe zone.
@jtm011 Despite your post, you clearly do not understand what I'm saying. @Jess13 does and reiterated my point well.

Again, you do not have to tolerate someone who you already agree with. Just looking at this page alone (where Davy doesn't comment), your posts are clear that you wish others to be tolerant of you but refuse to show the same tolerance toward them. That would make you the very thing you're calling Davy out for.
If everybody agreed on everything life would be boring. No one is always right or wrong. When we only hear and never listen it creates a perpetual war zone.

You support Davy. I don't. I'm not going to try to beat you into submission. I'm certainly not going let anybody do that to me. I'm going to say thank you for this post cause if memory serves me correctly in the early days you and I used to really get into it.

I think one point of agreement is the nudes that keep popping up. Whoever has more please keep them coming. Thank you :emoji_thumbsup:
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If everybody agreed on everything life would be boring. No one is always right or wrong. When we only hear and never listen it creates a perpetual war zone.

You support Davy. I don't. I'm not going to try to beat you into submission. I'm certainly not going let anybody do that to me. I'm going to say thank you for this post cause if memory serves me correctly in the early days you and I used to really get into it.

I think one point of agreement is the nudes that keep popping up. Whoever has more please keep them coming. Thank you :emoji_thumbsup:

I’m not sure this post was meant for me. I support Davy’s right to his opinion and freedom of speech although we don’t hold the same views.
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All you Queens need to stfu already. Go out and make friends or find a new hobby other then bitch, complain and write long ass thesis about this man's beliefs while begging to see his nudes in the same breathe. This man does not care about you..... Now if someone has nudes or new pics please share. That's why we are all here.
All you Queens need to stfu already. Go out and make friends or find a new hobby other then bitch, complain and write long ass thesis about this man's beliefs while begging to see his nudes in the same breathe. This man does not care about you..... Now if someone has nudes or new pics please share. That's why we are all here.
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say it louder for the people in the back ! Dear all please note that he does not care about you so stop caring so much about him. My goodness those were some long ass posts.