Discovered a Big Dick In My Social Circle

Typo above, should have been 160 a year.
60 a year sounded nice if youre in your carefree slut era but 160 a year is crazy. That guy may probably be jaded as fuck at this point. While it may sound glamourous and hot, give me my vanilla sex with my old lady anyday over whatever he has.

Can't say I'm not intrigued though, that fella must have some mad pussy game going on. I wonder how do you get to that level of attraction, seduction, debauchery, indulgence, call it whatever you want.
How would the friends know it's your big dick?
How would we know he is married or his wife "considered selling online copies?" The same way we would know any of these claims are true -- we don't and we can't. So you might as well make up your own story of your own big dick, and the more outrageous, the better.