Do straight guy's mind gay men looking.



Hello, I am 24 year's old and I wonder if straight guy's mind if another bro (most likely gay if they ask but who know's) ask's to compare or if they can look at your dick. If someone is curious or if you have a big dick and you see another guy staring. How would you react or do you just think it's a compliment. Maby your in the bathroom or locker room and happen to peek down and you maby have to take a second peek? would you be offended or proud?

I would never try to touch or make any sexual remarks without consent. I am a "normal" gay bro who just want's to know how straight men think about places that men are only allowed in that leads to removal of clothes, or a bar or just public idk.
Well it would entirely depend on the circumstances wouldn't it?
If I am at the grocery story and some dude walks up and ask me that I would say get the fuck away from me.
And he had better get the fuck away from me.
However, if I am at dance club where there are gay and straight people and some dude ask me that I would not get pissed off at all. I would just smile and politely say no. It would be somewhat appropriate or expected depending on the club
I appreciate the feedback I get from gay guys online. They are the real deal dick experts. In person comments would be a little awkward though. I wouldn't be offended though. I doubt I would have that problem though as I'm not packing anything special and most gays seem to be really into size.

The best wood inducing pic compliment I ever got here was from a 70/30 gay woman. If a woman who is rarely interested in cock gives you a compliment it carries that much more value.

" NGL. This is fucking hot. You truly have a beautiful penis"
I don't care if others look at my dick. I'm not paying attention to them so I wouldn't notice. I've showered in communal showers, walked nude to showers, used trough type urinals. Only a couple of comments were made about it's large flaccid size. No problem.
It does not bother me if gay men look at my dick, as long as they don't touch, i go to a nudist beach where there are a lot of gay men and quite often some come over to chat i make it quite clear i am straight but do not mind them chatting to me even though i know they are checking out my cock
I post pics on this forum, so I definitely hope guys and gals check them out. Posted comments or likes are also appreciated. I post comments and likes on guys and gals pictures that I like practically every day. I don't even mind guys commenting about wanting to do this or that to me. I appreciate that they feel that when they see my pictures - but it ain't happening - ever. My dick belongs to my wife and I and that's all there is to that one. I am always commando and almost always wearing lightweight polyester shorts/pants. I know I show when I walk around as my junk bounces around and up against the material. If someone came up to me and said they noticed and suggested anything I would politely turn them down. I assume that that would be as far as it went. I dress like that because I enjoy the feel of my stuff moving around freely. I don't dress like that to draw attention to myself. I never look around to see if anyone is looking at me, because I don't care if they are or aren't. While dressing like I do might send a certain message, that isn't the message I am sending.
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I post pics on this forum, so I definitely hope guys and gals check them out. Posted comments or likes are also appreciated. I post comments and likes on guys and gals pictures that I like practically every day. I don't even mind guys commenting about wanting to do this or that to me. I appreciate that they feel that when they see my pictures - but it ain't happening - ever. My dick belongs to my wife and I and that's all there is to that one. I am always commando and almost always wearing lightweight polyester shorts/pants. I know I show when I walk around as my junk bounces around and up against the material. If someone came up to me and said they noticed and suggested anything I would politely turn them down. I assume that that would be as far as it went. I dress like that because I enjoy the feel of my stuff moving around freely. I don't dress like that to draw attention to myself. I never look around to see if anyone is looking at me, because I don't care if they are or aren't. While dressing like I do might send a certain message, that isn't the message I am sending.
Very good post, and you have a good balance between your sexual fantasies, and your sexual realities.
I do the same, I play out fantasies here and elsewhere, but IRL - it's all my wife. And only my wife
I very much enjoy men and women looking at my pics/vids camming. That is the awesome role internet can play.
As long as the two do not cross.
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Doesn't bother me who looks, I think it's something we all do, but not something we'd admit too. I've certainly showered with gay workmates at the gym and it's no problem. Been to nude beaches and clubs and sat naked with gay couples to chat, they're welcome to look, I'll be doing the same.
I like my cock to be worshiped so I don't mind guys looking as long as they do it politely and not think that they are entitled to do whatever they want. one time a guy kinda looked while i was undressing for shower and i saw that he is still there after i showered, but he is very polite and shy. anyway, that's another story for another time. too lengthy
I enjoy the likes and comments I get from pictures posted here, both from men and women. In person I have never had anyone approach me to see it. As some others have already mentioned the situation would dictate how I react. Just don't try to touch it without permission.