Do you like bottoming out?

i guess every one has different mental triggers that stimulate the orgasm ability. From my experience, it's always completely different between different partners.

From what I've noticed orgasms, for women, are much more mental than physical. Some ladies are mentally stimulated by the pain of a dick hitting their cervix, as they associate that with orgasmic pleasure. Some don't enjoy it at all.

As long as they cum, I'm happy :smile:
i dont care one way or the other, but my wife always gets pissed and its like "ouch, asshole" and im like well shit. When she is really intoxicated not so much, but even then, and im like well, should i decrease my shit?

Yes, you should decrease your shit.
If done with care and in response to how my body changes as I get more aroused it's pure heaven.

Sliding in carefully, working your way down as far as possible. When hitting the area around the cervix/bottoming out you need to be careful, just lying inside and moving slowly around and gently in and out will be enough to provide more than enough stimulation for me. If we fit together well enough so that your pelvic bone also touches my clit as you move around, even better. This is when things start happening - getting more aroused, even wetter, tenting, and the cervix retracting upwards and away from the vagina. That's when you can start the longer strokes with some more force behind them - just be careful that you're not hitting the backwall full force if you're longer than what I can comfortably take because that hurts even if I'm highly aroused.

Do that right and you'll find at least this woman in a shaking, screaming, cumming state for just about as long as you can keep it up (along with weak to her knees, thirsty and hoarse afterwards... :biggrin1:)
Every girl I've been with I've been able to bottom out with. All but one liked it. The one girl said it was way too painful. I actually had to hold back an inch or 2 as not to go all the way in. My wife loves it. When I go to bottom out on her I start with some quick shallow thrusts then one quick thrust in balls deep and I hit bottom. She squeals with delite and the after a few strokes that way I just stay all the way in grinding my pelvis and cock into both her clit and cervix. Seems to drive her crazy so I usually repeat til she screams her way on to the big "O". I don't understand it though I'm smaller than most all the guys in this post and I can bottom out easily. Never had a problem doing it either.
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It's only happened to me once and she must have been more average size in depth than anything cause although I'm longer than average, but I'm not as long as the guys on here.

I've never bottomed out in my wife but whenever we discuss how and what she feels down there, it always ends with discussion of girth than length.
Okay well I've had sex with 2 men, who were both below average, so needless to say that had never happened to me, until my most recent hookup. He's about 8" I'd say, if not larger. He bottoms out in any position we're in, and I don't find it pleasurable. I'm constantly holding him back. It certainly is an ego boost for him, though, and he'll do it every now-and-then just to remind me that he doesn't have to play nice. It doesn't bother me when he does it every so often, but its certainly not something I'd beg for.
i love bottoming out, esp. when she starting hitting me in protest while simultaneously rolling her eyes back in ecstasy. just makes me pound harder

also another possible effect that i've encountered is when the girl is almost about to get her period and she's pms'ing, we'd have sex to speed up the period. the period would sometime come a day early after a night of deep fucking
I agree- it's nothing like bottoming out if you don't make it painful for the woman you are with.

A few times that I have bottomed out- my gfs at the time cummed so hard that it was like whipped cream- pretty incredible.
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Bottoming out can be good, can be bad. It's really nice as it's happening, but if they're too rough, damn, do I ever get sore!

What I've found is that training the kegels and tightening them can help squeeze the guy out a little... basically, like he's bottoming out while not quite as deep. He loves it, since I get a ton tighter, and I love it, since he can pound me to his heart's content without leaving me walking funny for days.

He does have to bottom out for me to cum. An average guy can get me to the edge... but I have to have that slightly painful, overwhelmingly full, intense feeling to get pushed over it.
I guess I'm one of the women who really like bottoming out. The feeling of being filled just drives me completely over the edge. Multiple orgasms galore. One weird thing about me is that I can be pounded while bottoming out and it doesn't actually hurt. Instead my clit goes numb! Weird.

For me personally it's only good for my ego. :tongue: It sucks sometimes not being able to just pound it in there all the way without hitting my gf cervix and causing her pain (which happens easily when I'm not careful or mindful of how deep I'm penetrating) and really 'connecting' in that way during sex. It's just something that we guys like bragging about, lol.

I agree, I like the fact that I have hit 'the wall', but my better half thinks differently so I have to very very carefull when going in dogy fashion.
I tried to bottom out before but couldn't. She felt like I was entering a big bag of air around my cock. No matter how hard I tried to hit bottom, I couldn't hit it. I guess you could say I didn't "sidewall" it either, as there was very little sensation on the sides of my cock. I guess instead of bottoming out, I air it out.