Dude, don’t make it sound like it was an Olivia Jade and Isabella Rose situation, he wasn’t smuggled in on some fake athletic merits paid off by mommy and daddy. And I’m not a sports person, but being a scholar/athlete is a legitimate way to get into a school and good schools of higher education, even if the strength isn’t on the scholar part. Universities want diverse students bodies and this is one aspect of that, Dylan also had other merits besides being a state champion wrestler, including writing poetry and having gone to military school, those along with being gay added to the mix and made him an interesting candidate.
The bigger mystery is if he even participated in any matches and how welcoming or not the team was to him. Not that he didn’t add complications by having an new boyfriend living off campus where he would abscond to, loosing out on that freshman and sports team bonding that being firmly located in the dorms would have provided. There are reasons most schools require freshman to live in dorms, knowing that the social experience and learning is an important aspect of a college education.