Elias Kacavas

Rating: PG-13 (Some Nudity|Suggestive Material)

Until its not TVMA, theres no nudity. Also, this means myb that the character is nude, but we dont see it, its covered or something else.
It can
Rating: PG-13 (Some Nudity|Suggestive Material)

Until its not TVMA, theres no nudity. Also, this means myb that the character is nude, but we dont see it, its covered or something else.
Bro, I've been following film ratings for the last couple of years. I know what I'm saying. Here's how nudity is broken down on the classification board.

Graphic Nudity- this is when they show penis or vagina
Partial Nudity-this is when they only show butt especially in a non-sexual context
Nudity-this is both butt and breasts but without penis or vagina
Brief Nudity- when the nudity lasts only for a moment
Some Nudity- this is when there is nudity that's not brief but also not to the extent that it earns a Nudity rating, one where it is in the middle. Examples of movies which have received this in their ratings include The Inspection, Sharp Stick and The Pope's Exorcist, all of which show nudity but really isn't that significant

TV-MA is for television, this is a theatrical release. Movies and TV are classified by different boards.
The people from the makeup department who make the penises have been interviewed before about this.

If the penis is erect, it's fake.
If the penis has to do something other than just be present, it's fake. (Liquid involved/Cal Peeing.)
If there's something "different" about the penis (ie micro, huge) it's fake.
If the actor is uncomfortable showing their real penis, it's fake.

This is a great post and should be pinned quote at the top of this forum lol.
What’s his height?

If that is Zak Steiner on the far left. The modeling agency list him as 6'2. The other guy Alex Aino is short, maybe 5'6-5'7. IMDB listed him as 5'10 lmao. Elias is likely 5'10/11. He's not a short guy though. Nice height with a great body.

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