Eric Struk

Scammed me for 90 on OF. Promised full nudity. He sent 2 vids and 3 pics. Clothed in all of them. He then deleted all messages that he sent promising the nudity. Giant scammer...
That sucks.
You should have screen shotted the messages.
Report him to OF.
Smfh that’s why I don’t like spending more then 50 it’s so hard to trust these people
Scammed me for 90 on OF. Promised full nudity. He sent 2 vids and 3 pics. Clothed in all of them. He then deleted all messages that he sent promising the nudity. Giant scammer..
He did not say that. That screenshot is from Reddit. A random person shared the photo of Eric and it’s the title of the thread that you’re seeing here.
So he’s not gay? Sure would’ve fooled me. The day he’s honest with himself, he’ll then be less of a arrogant prick. We all know he likes men.
He's playing the game really well.

No matter how much anyone bashes him, he will continue to make money because he knows all he has to do is show his feet or his V line or a bulge and people will eat it up .
Although there’s not so much V line to talk about at the moment…
He’s just an annoying POS at this point
Highly agreed. He's kind of boring and not even that hot. Maybe if he was more muscular or taller I would stay but honestly he is really annoying and making enough from teasing/being an influencer on snap that he's not going to show us his dick
Highly agreed. He's kind of boring and not even that hot. Maybe if he was more muscular or taller I would stay but honestly he is really annoying and making enough from teasing/being an influencer on snap that he's not going to show us his dick
Nope and he never will I’m over him at this point didn’t renew subscription and never will again
He's playing the game really well.

No matter how much anyone bashes him, he will continue to make money because he knows all he has to do is show his feet or his V line or a bulge and people will eat it up .
I just hope we all open our eyes and stop feeding into it and giving him money I have stopped finally
You are all just like Liam Ferrari fans complain complain complain and yet you still give in and complain some more
Exactly. This is the type of viewer/follower/subscriber that he targets and wants because they make him coin. And unbelievably, it actually works for him.
"Guys I will never make an OF ,so stop asking. People that make money by exposing themselves are gross and its an awful way to live your life" . A year later "so guys please go subscribe to my onlyfans ,Its still a shitty website but in order to make more money and show how muscular I've gotten ,I wanna go against all the shit I've been saying for years , Thanks guys . Also how do I get my teeth so white I use purely white deluxe ,I highly recommend it"

"Guys I will never make an OF ,so stop asking. People that make money by exposing themselves are gross and its an awful way to live your life" . A year later "so guys please go subscribe to my onlyfans ,Its still a shitty website but in order to make more money and show how muscular I've gotten ,I wanna go against all the shit I've been saying for years , Thanks guys . Also how do I get my teeth so white I use purely white deluxe ,I highly recommend it"