Eric Struk

Question, how did this guy get YouTube famous (1 mill subs). Was it snap/youtube of where he blew up or was it only fans/snap and then he used that for YouTube? Or vice Versa?
He post a lot of YouTube shorts which gets him a lot of views (which is smart) . Also His content is very commercial so his thumbnails and videos are pretty basic and nothing new which means most of the people that watch his vid are foreign people and old people.
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Hurry up and save people. WE dont want to here you didnt get it or who has it .
Ngl I'm just following this thread for the jokes. No need to save when there's much better hot guys on lpsg with better attitudes (and legs.. And dicks... And ass)

It's kinda like going to McDonald's- it was expensive, underwhelming, bad for you.. Paying for that meal must have filled the buyer with McRegret