Ethan Lusby Onlyfans

I'm sorry, I'm not gonna post new pics. Two of my posts got deleted because of copyright infringement (even though they were just screenshots from his public videos) and I got banned from posting in this thread for a week or so. It's ridiculous but someone is watching this thread.
Correct. The thread is being censored.
Gotta love when that happens. And it seems to happen a lot.
it's the web admins..

they also can block you from a thread but other people can keep posting

expecting this post to be deleted and doubt i'd be posting much if at all if this keeps happening
it's the web admins..

they also can block you from a thread but other people can keep posting

expecting this post to be deleted and doubt i'd be posting much if at all if this keeps happening

They have tons of tricks in their censorship bag. They often delete any posts that are critical of then as "of topic", that may happen to these posts.

Quick question, for maybe my ears have forsaken me, but what do you hear between 2:05 and 2:10? Maybe a lil slip up? Or he cut it unflatteringly… but i cant be the only one taking notice right?
He says " Light this gas, and it [cut] goes poof" Bad cut editing only those who want to create drama would ever think to notice it could be anything else. Even Google's closed caption got it right.
They have tons of tricks in their censorship bag. They often delete any posts that are critical of then as "of topic", that may happen to these posts.
yep if you have an opinion that they don't like you will be censored...

like when I said a paid website was trash lol

anyway... back to lusby, surprised the bf shows face. They look cute together
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because im curious, this is a forum where we discuss people's lives but somehow asking if the daddy has money is not allowed, go figure
Ooh! Ooh! I think I can explain this for you! It can be quite common, in online circles like this, for people to make judgements about relationships that can come across as either cruel or stereotypical. In this instance, some people may have read your comment as implying that either a) a man "who looks like that" or is of that age wouldn't have any ability to date a guy like Ethan without having some asset unrelated to his personality, looks, etc, or b) that Ethan himself is either shallow or lacks agency by having to go for a boyfriend based on money rather than choosing a partner. This attitude can be seen as both simplistic and unhelpful when in fact couples come together for all sorts of reasons, and it's certainly not unusual for people to find love despite a difference in ages or physical types. In fact, many people find pleasure in a particular type that isn't the same as their own. It's perfectly reasonable for these two to be in the early stages of a loving relationship, both interested in each other's humour, hobbies, views and personalities, and sharing a sexual chemistry.

Now of course you were probably just asking a question because the boyfriend looks like someone who has money. There was probably nothing more to it than that. But I can understand how other people may have read your comment as potentially having some underlying acidity!

Hope that helps. I hate it when people miscommunicate on the internet.