Ethan Lusby Onlyfans

oh, you know Ethan then?
He doesn't have to know Ethan to believe the guy isn't a shallow jerk. The two of them look to have met on the road and just kept hanging together. If his boyfriend has money, he isn't spending it. They both live in vehicles and travel perpetually. The boyfriend's original vehicle died and his current truck was his old one, so he's been on the road a while

Knowing Ethan or not it doesn't seem like money is the draw here. It is possible for age gap relationships to exist and work simply because of love
i wonder if the daddy has money
If the daddy had money, they would live at least in a decent motorhome, not a tiny converted camper van and an old truck. It's love or he is packing a big dick, guys. Maybe both.
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I think eathan earn enough money for himself, how many followers has he on onlyfans? 15$ cost a membership, than youtube etc. He don't need money from a daddy. And if both happy with the situation where is the problem? And if you don't like him, why are you here? Spend your time with things that make you happy, not with people that you don't like, life is to short.
I think eathan earn enough money for himself, how many followers has he on onlyfans? 15$ cost a membership, than youtube etc. He don't need money from a daddy. And if both happy with the situation where is the problem? And if you don't like him, why are you here? Spend your time with things that make you happy, not with people that you don't like, life is to short.
They are just jealous and bitter that they aren't the ones with eathan. It's kinda sad honestly.
They are just jealous and bitter that they aren't the ones with eathan. It's kinda sad honestly.
Maybe Ethan likes daddies and older guys, nothing wrong with that. No need to throw ad hominem attacks against other gay men for wondering about the nature of their relationship.
Maybe Ethan likes daddies and older guys, nothing wrong with that. No need to throw ad hominem attacks against other gay men for wondering about the nature of their relationship.
I wasnt attacked anybody besides the people who have a problem with the age gap the ones who think if a younger person is with someone older it has to be money cause they have nothing else to offer. I'm perfectly ok with the relationship.
I wasnt attacked anybody besides the people who have a problem with the age gap the ones who think if a younger person is with someone older it has to be money cause they have nothing else to offer. I'm perfectly ok with the relationship.
Sugar daddies are very popular so naturally people will wonder, that doesnt mean they have an issue with their relationship. This is a gossip forum where people talk and ask questions.
Jesus scrolling through this thread is so dramatic. I just want to know if he actually posts nudes on his OF and if it’s worth it.
He doesn’t. It’s not. But he will do or has done personal requests at exorbitant amounts. Hope that helps.
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But he's open with it, you don't get nudes, it's just another way to support him. But for me it's too expensive for nothing. Why should I pay for his lifestyle? He's a cute guy, but I think he earns enough from YouTube. And if not, get a job or show what you got in your trousers. Only spend money that he can travel around his country, I don't know. His YouTube content is fine, but random. He could do it better in my opinion.
i have bought two dick pics and a video of him jerking. expensive but worth it. very nice dick and hole
What would it take for you to share? I can ask really nicely and politely :)
He buy farmland and want to build Something. Think He earns good Money from YouTube and onlyfans and that with His content. I mean He travels around, but His content is, that He ist cute. He could do it much better, the Problem ist of course He don't want to share where He is. but it would be so much better If they audience know what He is doing. Something Like 'I travel from Kanada to Texas, today WE where Here and visit xy.'
He says " Light this gas, and it [cut] goes poof" Bad cut editing only those who want to create drama would ever think to notice it could be anything else. Even Google's closed caption got it right.
What was he supposed to have said? Something slightly offensive? He says "ghetto" quite a bit which I have no issue with but I'm surprised nobody has called him out for. People are hilariously sensitive.