Worshipped Member
While I love this show and all the nudity, who else thinks the show should have been set in college at least? I guess I'm just old now and I was in high school like 11 years ago but I just can't imagine high school kids being this good at sex, good at beating the fuck out of people, good at being conniving, being addicted to drugs in high school. While I believe there are exceptions to high schools but what are th odds that this one group of high school kids are all of these at once together. College is where you kinda have that crazy sexual and drug experience, so I wish they just upped the age a bit.
I think when Nate beat up that guy for fucking Maddy really took me out of my element. He had legit Christian Bake American Psycho vibes and I can't imagine a 16-17 year old being that premeditated in revenge and being THAT good in premeditated revenge.
Hahah yea but I think if it was college it wouldnt have the same impact. You feel a little for Rue because she is so young. They’re making all these dumb decisions because they are so young. If they were in college like a year from where they are now probably like McCay is. It would be predictable and expected and not the same impact as seeing Nate walk through highschool halls in handcuffs and them having a PSA in class for Maddie.
I do feel though that the older ppl that wrote it probably made it a little too trendy at times with over doing vapes and house parties to be relateable.