Ever Accidentally Seen A Buddies Cock?

My story kind of tows the line of being "accidental".

Went with a friend on a golf trip and one of the nights he went a bit heavy on the booze. He woke up the next day extremely hungover, and went to shower pretty much right away. He was in the shower of our hotel for like 45 mins, and I finally decided to do a wellness check to make sure he wasn't drowned or something.

Good news was that he was alive. But he was crouched in basically a fetal position. The water wasn't warm anymore, so I asked if he needed a hand and helped him get up, get out of the bathroom, dried off etc. Got to see a lot more than I bargained for, but I'm hoping he would have done the same for me if I was that hungover. We missed our tee time that day 🤣
Not a friend but something that came to mind is that I saw a customer´s cock on his phone once haha. i worked with packages and the dude needed to take his phone to show a QR code and he went into his albums and showed me. Then he needed to zoom in and accidentally swiped to a nude picture of him. It was hot. I dont remember all but i think he was alittle older. But I remember he had a long white cock.
Not a friend but something that came to mind is that I saw a customer´s cock on his phone once haha. i worked with packages and the dude needed to take his phone to show a QR code and he went into his albums and showed me. Then he needed to zoom in and accidentally swiped to a nude picture of him. It was hot. I dont remember all but i think he was alittle older. But I remember he had a long white cock.
You worked with packages! 😭