Ever been shot at the gym?

I bring my cell phone into the locker room, but I don't use it. It's usually just in my bag and I put it in my locker. I agree though. A locker room is a sacred place. Nobody should be talking on the phone in the locker room, let alone taking pictures. If you want pictures of a naked man go buy a magazine, or remember what the guy looks like and put him in your mental "Spank Bank". Taking pictures without someone's permission is an invasion of privacy and just rude.
Now you understand why Anderson Cooper showers in his shorts at the gym.
There have to be limits and if there are signs that say no electronics or no camera phones then, no means no.
Confront the guy with your concern and if it persists tell the manager.
There are plenty of other places for pervs to get off.
How is this any different than someone being on a nude beach exposed and someone snapping them ? IT'S NOT..... I know from experience there is a way to take a shower and get dressed wo having your junk exposed.
You know the risk is there and therefore if you don't wish to be a model than take the precautions.
Or you could be a tattle tale like in school and run tell the principal lol.

How is this any different than someone being on a nude beach exposed and someone snapping them ? IT'S NOT..... I know from experience there is a way to take a shower and get dressed wo having your junk exposed.
You know the risk is there and therefore if you don't wish to be a model than take the precautions.
Or you could be a tattle tale like in school and run tell the principal lol.


People on nude beaches are in public. People in changerooms are in a private environment. All the difference in the world.

Moreover, why should I have to make an effort to alter my changing/showering habits in order to keep the perverts at bay? People pay good money for gym memberships, and that entitles them to a reasonable standard of privacy. Meaning, they shouldn't have to worry about finding their nude pics on a website someday.

And at my gym (on weekends especially) there are often fathers with young sons in the changeroom. Are you saying the kids are fair game too? :confused:
I've never had (as far as I know of) any pics taken of me in a changing room situation. I go to nude beaches a lot, though, and people are constantly taking pics (which doesn't make much sense, since european nude beaches actually have attractive females, which just doesn't happen in america). A porn guy gave me his card once, but I never called him.

I've only been asked once for a pic (with my girlfriend + boyfriend), and we said yes, because they were polite enough to ask.
If the rules are not being enforced by the management, cause a scene and embarass the guilty party. I did it.

Someone did that to me twice; I gave the benefit of the doubt the first time. The second time was glaringly obvious.

So I shouted at the person asking why he needed to photograph my genitals with his phone. My voice was loud enough to get the attention of an attendant, whose reaction was to get me to be quiet.

The perv was red-faced by my shouting and tried to leave the locker room quickly. I had shorts and a t-shirt on and followed him outside, all the time asking loudly why he needed to photograph my genitals. Once outside a family member was waiting for him. I told her what he had done. She screamed at him and started to cry.

I went back inside and told off the manager at this point for doing nothing and not enforcing the rules about camera phones. I also threatened to tell newspapers about the whole incident.

People did not brandish camera phones after that.
Based on the title, I thought this thread might be about gang members working out at a gym. :biggrin1:

I actually thought the title was about something else, too. To answer the question, no, I don't think anyone has ever shot my picture at the gym. But, yes, I have had cum shot all over my leg in the steamroom.
Based on the title, I thought this thread might be about gang members working out at a gym. :biggrin1:

I actually thought the title was about something else, too. To answer the question, no, I don't think anyone has ever shot my picture at the gym. But, yes, I have had cum shot all over my leg in the steamroom.

See, I am glad I am not the only one. I was beginning to get concerned about gun safety at the gym.

However, they had a policy at the gym I used to go to. There was a series of lockers behind the desk and you had to put your wallet, cellphone, and any valuables you had, behind the desk. IT was a safety procaution and they gave you a key attached to a clip so you could attach the key to your person.
I've said it once and I'll say it again,
Just because I'm naked doesn't mean I want you to look. Take your dirtyhabit online and out of my locker room.

There's websites for whackos like you (they disturb me too).

All differences aside, thank you for posting. Your opinions do matter. After all it is a discussion forum.
Last edited by dukey : 06-08-2006 at 07:33 PM.

Maybe I ought to get a little more forceful?
I can't say I wouldn't do something like that myself, though I wouldn't go posting it either. I would be more afraid of the guy finding out and tracing it back to me.

But the fact that you have a hot guy naked in front of you who is probably more hung than any guy you have ever seen in your life would be too much a temptation to pass up, unless of course I wasn't allowed to have a phone in the locker room at all.

Forget about confrontation unless it is obvious and you have a witness, but report it and keep on reporting it otherwise the gym owners will not see that big hole in their security. They want you to have a great a experience at their gym not just an exceptable one. Besides there are probabaly more guys in your gym with the same problem and if nobody says anything then you are just helping the problem grow.
There was talk of self regulation by the phone manufacturers who were going to make it impossible to take a pic without an audible "shutter click" noise going off.

Did anything ever come of that does anyone know? Only got a phone that makes phone calls so can't really comment!
You beat me to it. I had not heard about the self-regulation talk by the manufacturers.

My idea was for every phone to make a fairly loud, very distinctive sound when it takes a picture. Something more noticeable than a shutter-click. It would have to be non-tamperable, and no volume control. But yes, I think that would be a very good idea.
This has happened to me several times on nude beaches. It is very awkward and, I find, embarassing because you know it is happening but can't prove it.

One time, on Fire Island, a guy's friend came over and apologized, fessing up that his friend (with a regular camera) had been taking pictures of mý cock....

Like the original poster, I don't mind too much if my face isn't in the picture but you never know that...

One guy, on a nude beach, asked me if he could take a few pictures if he limited the pictures to my body and cock and I agreed because, one, he asked and asked nicely (as opposed to everyone else) and two, I could control the situation by making sure he wasn't including my face.

Of course, it is flattering...but I don't want my boss to see some pic of all of me on the Net.

Huge difference between taking someone's pic on a nude beach vs. in a locker room, IMHO. In a locker room you are only naked to get changed to do something else. On a nude beach you are naked for the sake of being naked. I agree it's polite to ask first on a nude beach, but doing it in a locker room is far worse. It's probably illegal for one thing.
First off, I think you're making it up. BUT, if it's true,I would ge right in the guy's face and tell him to knock it off...NOW. Then I would get a manager immediately and have him dela with it. I guarantee you he would never work out there again. The creep could post pics of you (face, cock and all) and make $ off of you.
The gym I used to go to in Florida had a policy of no cell phones and a free (local) dial-out phone in the locker room. Neither made any difference at all. When their cells rang the good ol' boys answered them. When they felt like yakking with a friend, they called out on the cell phones. Filled with attitude, they looked at it their way and did what they wanted to do. A lot of that in Florida.