Ever been shot at the gym?

My gym has a sign saying no camera phones in the locker room but I dont see it being enforced and, yeah, guys use them. To be fair, I will take a call but step outside to make one. When I do use my phone, I make sure to have it facing the locker so guys know I'm not pointing it at them. Most do the same.
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Not that I know of in a gym...but I have been "shot" unknowingly while showering. Its somewhat of a running joke between myself and another person.

Since everyone has a cell phone with a camera in it...I wonder how enforcable a ban would be. To be honest, I doubt I would think twice if someone whipped out a cell phone or iphone while I was nekkid in the locker room.

Somewhat related in topic is the website www.guyswithiphones.com
I seem to remember this issue being discussed in the media when mobile phones with cameras first started appearing on the market. There was talk of self regulation by the phone manufacturers who were going to make it impossible to take a pic without an audible "shutter click" noise going off.

Did anything ever come of that does anyone know? Only got a phone that makes phone calls so can't really comment!

Hey, my camera doesn't make phone calls so why would I want it the other way round?!?!

The iphone has a switch and the camera sound is silenced so it is possible with out the audible sound.
Gosh, if someone wants to take a pic of me......well they have to have a pretty shallow life. MY gym says no phones in the locker room, but not really enforced. That being said, if I did suspect someone taking pics..I would wrap a towel around me and beat feet to the desk and complain and insist someone come back to the locker room. I am not above embarassing stupid people. It is not my fault they are stupid.
i dont care.. they can shot me all they want becuz thats as far as they are gonna get...

Same here dude...I honestly don't care if they take my pic, I only have an average bod, not an adonis like you hotties so they probably don't want my pic anyway.:wink:

They do have a sign on the door that says no camera phones are allowed in the locker room, but guys pretty much ignore it and talk on them anyway and just about all phones have cameras these days. My guess is the policy would not be enforced unless they started getting reports of someone snapping pics of dudes in there.
This has happened to me several times on nude beaches. It is very awkward and, I find, embarassing because you know it is happening but can't prove it.

One time, on Fire Island, a guy's friend came over and apologized, fessing up that his friend (with a regular camera) had been taking pictures of mý cock....

Like the original poster, I don't mind too much if my face isn't in the picture but you never know that...

One guy, on a nude beach, asked me if he could take a few pictures if he limited the pictures to my body and cock and I agreed because, one, he asked and asked nicely (as opposed to everyone else) and two, I could control the situation by making sure he wasn't including my face.

Of course, it is flattering...but I don't want my boss to see some pic of all of me on the Net.
Common G. you live to show your big dick
