Ex-Fratpad guys, where are they now?

Does anyone know of the existence of a recording of the first PPV with Ricky and Dean, where it was, I believe, a tutor and student scenario?

There is a formally filmed duo of them, but the elusive PPV is more of the Unholy Fratmen Grail than the trio of Max, Casey and Mick ever was. (That trio has since emerged in several places.)
i hate to be a tease cuz i cant fufill your request, but back at the time i managed to record it, it was one of the first times i managed to get recording software and used it.

and it was indeed the holy grail - i didnt realize what a unicorn it was until reading forums in the gay torrent websites with desperate queens searching high and low for it lol.

It was a hot and fun scenario for a PPV, dean wore these plaid shorts IIRC that e looked phenomenal in - i remember dean was not able to bust after trying for a long time, finally gave up and apologized haha

i was able to trade it with someone off-line for his entire PPV collection of like 15-20 shows (mind you, this was back before fratmen reposted a lot of them to the fratpad family of websites so none were available on line at the time)

Sadly, the external drive i had it saved on got corrupted a few years ago (i lost my entire collection of HD straightcollegemen.com vids as well, all the special trips etc in high quality - still makes me cry to this day)
do u know why the website has been down all these years? like they could be making money off subs with the archives..
Actually, the archives were still active until just recently (like 2021-22), but the site was not maintained, many of the videos stopped working, and hostman john did not reply to to any inquiries pertaining to the website (i had a log in problem that he never replied to, i paid for 2 months without access waiting for him to fix the problem and then had to cancel). finally, it went off line.

I believe he simply lost all interest, and since he is probably financially secure, didnt care to just let it pass on.
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I'm not interested. I gave you all 8 years of content. I'm done. Happy to answer questions though.
Tommy - i'm late to the party and just saw you are on here, so nice to here from you and read all your insight and updates on yourself.

Like many other I had a serious crush on you back in the day, and not just physical, your positiveness came thru in your dialog, interviews, laid-back attitude,etc. Thank you for the memories and i actually still have quite a cache of your work saved.

My favorite fratmen episode was the alumni reunion with you and Kenny - I had so wanted to see you in action with another male and this was the first time i saw you in duo action (although i think it prolly wasnt your first male-male scene), i about fainted when i saw you two were going to get busy - i can still here your rascally voice as you entered the bathroom, "Oh Kenny.. What are you doing? " as you joined him in the shower. I believe this was the first fratmen content to have sexual contact between the models.

Anyway, thanks again for fantasy fuel you provided me over the years. You were and still are a beautiful man.
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Tommy - i'm late to the party and just saw you are on here, so nice to here from you and read all your insight and updates on yourself.

Like many other I had a serious crush on you back in the day, and not just physical, your positiveness came thru in your dialog, interviews, laid-back attitude,etc. Thank you for the memories and i actually still have quite a cache of your work saved.

My favorite fratmen episode was the alumni reunion with you and Kenny - I had so wanted to see you in action with another male and this was the first time i saw you in duo action (although i think it prolly wasnt your first male-male scene), i about fainted when i saw you two were going to get busy - i can still here your rascally voice as you entered the bathroom, "Oh Kenny.. What are you doing? " as you joined him in the shower. I believe this was the first fratmen content to have sexual contact between the models.

Anyway, thanks again for fantasy fuel you provided me over the years. You were and still are a beautiful man.
Kenny and I are still best friends today. You are correct my first gay scene was with Hoyce a guy a year ahead of me in high school that used to kick my ass in wrestling matches. I only beat him once and that was after we graduated at a freestyle tournament. I'd beefed up by then and had kind of out grown him. He rolled his ankle on my first takedown try so it was a forfeit by injury. Not the kind of win I wanted. He pinned me so many times over 3 years I really wanted to repay the favor, lol.
Kenny and I are still best friends today. You are correct my first gay scene was with Hoyce a guy a year ahead of me in high school that used to kick my ass in wrestling matches. I only beat him once and that was after we graduated at a freestyle tournament. I'd beefed up by then and had kind of out grown him. He rolled his ankle on my first takedown try so it was a forfeit by injury. Not the kind of win I wanted. He pinned me so many times over 3 years I really wanted to repay the favor, lol.
I remember Hoyce I loved him! I remember he did a bi scene with you and a girl, and once he came on Jake Cruise's face and then disappeared. He was so charming.
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The question I have is do they ever fucked or at least sucked each other n any of the cam shows they did ? I’m asking this cause I just found about these hotties 🤤🫠I must say my fave of all of them was Payne 😩his body and muscle ass was and still so fk perfect
So if there’s any video where they play with each other just refer me to that page I’d really appreciate it 🥺😩
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