i hate to be a tease cuz i cant fufill your request, but back at the time i managed to record it, it was one of the first times i managed to get recording software and used it.Does anyone know of the existence of a recording of the first PPV with Ricky and Dean, where it was, I believe, a tutor and student scenario?
There is a formally filmed duo of them, but the elusive PPV is more of the Unholy Fratmen Grail than the trio of Max, Casey and Mick ever was. (That trio has since emerged in several places.)
and it was indeed the holy grail - i didnt realize what a unicorn it was until reading forums in the gay torrent websites with desperate queens searching high and low for it lol.
It was a hot and fun scenario for a PPV, dean wore these plaid shorts IIRC that e looked phenomenal in - i remember dean was not able to bust after trying for a long time, finally gave up and apologized haha
i was able to trade it with someone off-line for his entire PPV collection of like 15-20 shows (mind you, this was back before fratmen reposted a lot of them to the fratpad family of websites so none were available on line at the time)
Sadly, the external drive i had it saved on got corrupted a few years ago (i lost my entire collection of HD straightcollegemen.com vids as well, all the special trips etc in high quality - still makes me cry to this day)