Ezra Miller

justice for Ezra!!

Ezra Miller Harassment Order Expires In Massachusetts; ‘Flash’ Star Says They Were “Unjustly And Directly Targeted”

"The original order, pursued by Shannon Guin, on behalf of her minor child, was based on untrue allegations. Frustratingly for Ezra, Guin lodged her false allegations at a time when Ezra was struggling with significant mental health issues, and was unable to come to court to defend themself against the spurious claims made by this individual. Had Ezra been able to appear in court last year and share the truth about their very limited interactions with Ms. Guin, I am confident the original order would have never been issued."

"Ezra’s inability to appear in court prevented them from speaking out against Guin’s fake allegations, as well as presenting the aforementioned evidence. The media, clearly tipped off by Ms. Guin, reported her false allegations without any diligent effort to corroborate her claims."

"Ezra does not deny that in the midst of their struggle that they have made mistakes and behaved at times in ways they wish they could take back. That, however, does not make every allegation, rumor, or false accusation true. There are real world consequences when claims like these are heedlessly amplified, without any regard for the facts or the truth. These false allegations, fanned by unscrupulous media, have threatened Ezra’s recovery, and done terrible damage to their reputation and career."
Soooo the restraining order was rescinded one day before it was set to naturally expire, and Ezra is claiming victory and saying (on Instagram ofc) that proves they never did anything wrong. Go off ig
Did you even read the article?

It was only approved in the first place because the mother obtained a temporary 10 day one that was automatically granted because she claimed Ezra had a gun in February 2022.
Ezra was in a mental hospital and unable to attend the 10 day hearing in June 2022 when it was granted.
When the accused doesn't go to the 10 day hearing, it's automatically extended for 1 year.

Weanwhile the mother had every chance to go to court and address it/ask for it to be renewed/refute the statements, yet she didn't - why?
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This is very complicated, because nobody really knows exactly what happened, but regardless, it’s evident the Massachusetts restraining order was really just an abundance of caution order that got extended due to the circumstances.

There was really no proof of there being any issues. However, Ezra had been around these people, and was unwell and probably under the influence. Who knows what Ezra was doing while there. To be fair, at he time, Ezra was skipping around the globe, high as a kite, fighting with multiple people, and befriending entire families and inviting them all to live on their farm.

However their acquaintance came to be, the mother may not have been acting unwisely. What started out as an interesting celebrity encounter with someone who could’ve been helpful and perhaps a mentor probably went left, as most encounters Ezra had been having did. And when the claims from Tokata’s family came out, which at the time had not been disproven, the mother probably decided to do what she thought was best.

Whether she exaggerated Ezra’s behaviors to get the order, or whether she mistook Ezra’s intentions or goals as malicious and predatory when he was probably just tripping of shrooms and Icelandic acid…who knows. But I’m not prepared to fault the mother.

And, as is common, the judge granted the order out of an abundance of caution. As jonmtf pointed out, the mere claim of a gun is enough to warrant a temporary restraining order in some states. Although, there was no real proof that anything was or would happen, when you consider 1. that claim, 2. the fact that Ezra had already choke-slammed people on two different continents AND an island, 3. as well as the circumstance with Tokata still not having been disproven…it was the smart thing for the judge to do.

As for why the mother didn’t go to court to address it, she may not have known which way to go with it, if she was, in fact, acting out of an abundance of caution. She may have just wanted protection/distance for that time until she knew what was going on. She may have realized she couldn’t back her claims, and decided to just let it run it’s course.

I don’t know. Either way, Ezra got themselves into this situation and it’s good to see that they are rectifying things and working with the law to ensure that they face proper punishment for what they DID do wrong…and are excused for anything else that may have been untrue.
Soooo the restraining order was rescinded one day before it was set to naturally expire, and Ezra is claiming victory and saying (on Instagram ofc) that proves they never did anything wrong. Go off ig:emoji_thinking:

Or maybe they're actually not guilty of that specific thing and their point of being unjustly targeted has some merit to it?

Kind of seems like you want Miller to be guilty even if there's stuff to actually support their innocence here.
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This dude works for Rolling Stone and used to work for DailyBeast.

This is not a professional unbiased response, and lends itself to what Ezra said about the media and that they have been targeted.

None of the journalists that defame Ezra Miller are going to walk it back or apologize.
They'll double down, play victim if called out or generally side step the issue.
None of the journalists that defame Ezra Miller are going to walk it back or apologize.
They'll double down, play victim if called out or generally side step the issue.
At the end of the day it's all she said/ they said. There was no evidence to confirm either way. It's best to move on from this subject.
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