Photo Fiachra @fiachraharp

Thanks! The X page also links to an OF page by that name, but I assume it's just Fiachra's old page as it has about 850 pics and vids. And is also $15 to sub.
And upon checking that out I was already following so it looks like he just changed the name
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And upon checking that out I was already following so it looks like he just changed the name

Same, I'm already following that account too. Interesting...

So he's keeping the Fiachra name for the music and the dentistry, and it turns out he does want to keep doing the modelling as well, just distance himself from it with a different name. Which I guess I can understand.

Problem is, hasn't the horse already bolted? Everyone already knows him as Fiachra (well I say everyone, I mean us obsessed horny homos) and no-one's gonna start suddenly calling him Sean instead.

Has he posted any hard cock pics ? I’ve only seen soft cock pics of him
Yes he has, but not many and most are behind an additional pay wall, but if you scroll back through the thread you'll see a link to a collection of his images including some erect ones