Photo Fiachra @fiachraharp


Now what's the point of the thread anyway?
I guess written reviews to let people know what's on offer on his OF and if it's worth it.
That's what a lot of threads end up being until the person being reviewed doesn't like it anymore and then the thread gets shut down. I've followed several many threads that ended like that
Is he still updating his OF these days?

Last I knew, he had already quit his dentist job to focus more on his "artistic endeavours" - which I assume means music and modelling. He did a video where he actually burst into tears over it all.

Basically the dentist job was really stressful, he was getting no work-life balance, and he was feeling like he wasn't being his authentic artistic self anymore. Part of the issue for him was that he had spent so much time and money and energy training for what he thought would be his dream job, and then it turned out to be a nightmare instead, so he was super upset about it. But on the upside, maybe it means he'll get his dick out more instead? Silver linings n shit.
