Finn Wolfhard *new And Improved*

Why do most people here seem to think that every guy has a semi in 98% of the pictures that are posted?
Because they desperately want it to be, so they can fantasize over it. That the will claim a shadow or crease as definitely being a dick. Or where the zipper sticks out on a pair of jeans when you sit down, etc. You see it on every page.

Reminds me of those hardcore religious types. Burn their toast, coincidentally looks like a man. Claim is Jesus and a sign from above and nothing could convince them otherwise.

I suppose anything can be a dick if you want it to be.
His red carpet style is generally pretty good, but when it comes to his day to day clothes... how can I put this... he has the straightest wardrobe of any man I've ever seen. Whatever he's wearing, it looks like he bought it at goodwill seven years ago, pulled it out of a pile that morning, and tossed it on without ironing. Revolutionary levels of not giving a fuck.