First Movie/TV show quote or a random line of dialogue that comes to mind

I’m currently watching an old show called Are You Being Served.
During a Christmas episode there was this gag well one liner.
Mrs Slocombe I’ve left Winston clinging to the curtain rail, the sight of my pussy drives him mad.
Mr Lucus: Is Winston the lodger?
Mrs Slocmbe: No he’s my Canary.
Then in a whisper to her assistant Miss Brahms. She added he got out when I was changing his sandpaper.
There is many a pussy joke. Meaning her cat but the shows writers always make it intentionally filthy.
Or in the episode the junior Mrs Slocombe: Can we get on? I've got to get home. If my pussy isn't attended to by eight o'clock, I shall be stroking it for the rest of the evening."
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Are You being Served?
Now I can’t remember the episode title but there was a gag involving a Japanese man tripping over some buckets and falling down the stairs and then the maintenance man Mr Mash comes out with this cracker of a line.
Here some Japanese Kamikaze pilot has just gone and tripped over my buckets.
The joke is further stretched out by a phone call later in the episode in which the man is phoning the manager of the shop to complain and his secretary answers the phone.
I can’t understand you.
The manager Mr Rumbold: Who is it?
Secretary: it’s sounds like a Japanese with his head stuck in a bucket.
Mr Rumbold: I’ve got no time for jokes hang up or something like that it was.
Madeline, 1998 children/family comedy film.
The scene in which the girls sneak into the kitchen late at night. For a bite to eat.
Shush, if they hear us we’re dead meat.
But we’re vegetarians.
Stop whispering, no you stop whispering.
Then crossing over the kitchen threshold there is a loud snap.
The girls start giggling as the washing line falls down.
It’s Helen’s knickers and her bra, it’s her booby baskets.
Then Aggie walks off with the bra humming to herself.
Hum, hum, hum, boobies, boobies, bobbies.
Then later in the scene she’s up on the table wearing the bra and using her fingers to simulate nipples poking through it. Chicken, chicken Helen and starts clucking and acting like a chicken while still wearing Helen’s bra. (The cook Helen’s specialty chicken dinner recipe is what she’s referring to by chicken Helen)
Then she wraps her arms around herself and pretends to be kissing someone.
Oh you’re so gorgeous…
Then later on after the son of their neighbours who are the Spanish ambassadors, he frightens the girls by popping up at the window dressed as the devil.
Then Madeleine throws open the back door. And he legs it.
Come back here you, I don’t care who your father is. We’re not in Spain and we are not going to take this and if you think you scare me, well you don’t I…busted….
As their teacher the nun miss Clavel taps her on the shoulder the cook she come bursting into the kitchen,
Qu’est ce qui passe ici encore….something and then tranquille. This is an outrage!
Aggie who still up on the table with the bra and her fingers simulating the points of nipples. We were just getting something to eat. Then quickly realised she still got the cooks bra on. Suddenly drop it.
It’s an hilarious scene. Never fails to crack me up.😆