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And Thtz the one directly above the pic where he is wearing the chain and is sucking someone sitting down right ?,,have seen the last three,,,but the one on top of em looks different/ unfamiliar
He seemed high in a couple of em,,,and definitely more engaged than when he is being served,,,and also more subservient esp with the lite skinned dude,,,
Were these escort situations or were they collaborations with other OF creators?
My guess is that they were from his private stock,,,so either escort or his personal friends with benefits ,,,,also the two different guys and him seem familiar,,,as if he gets high and freaks,,,,and if some monies at given to him it’s not straight up escorting
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thanks for the update!

For those who will not give Fitzgerald Scott (Mike Mann) a pass, perhaps should move on. No one really knows what motivates his choices and actions. I being a fan can and will not judge. Fitzgerald Scott be your own authentic self.​

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