
Legendary Member
May 13, 2020
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I decided to keep my ass smooth and hairless for a date and ended up shaving my ass with a razor.
Three days later these red dots and crazy itching appeared.
I looked it up and it could be folliculitis.
I don't have the habit of shaving with a razor, because I like my hairy ass (and it's not even that hairy), but my fuckbody asked me to.

A pharmacist friend advised me to use Bezoyl Peroxide to heal.

What do you gays do? Does this always happen?
Did I do something wrong?

I need a perfect smooth ass to keep this alpha dick…

View media item 14820521
View media item 14820511
It's not uncommon to get this, especially if you don't shave regularly or this was a first time. It should clear up naturally.
I always shave in the shower, using plenty of soapy shower gel. Don't use a fresh razor like you would facially as this can be too harsh, use one that's slightly dulled from previous shaves. I then dry the skin thoroughly using a rough towel to keep the skin exfoliated, and finish off with a skin cream like Palmers coconut oil. Good luck with your fuck bud!

I decided to keep my ass smooth and hairless for a date and ended up shaving my ass with a razor.
Three days later these red dots and crazy itching appeared.
I looked it up and it could be folliculitis.
I don't have the habit of shaving with a razor, because I like my hairy ass (and it's not even that hairy), but my fuckbody asked me to.

A pharmacist friend advised me to use Bezoyl Peroxide to heal.

What do you gays do? Does this always happen?
Did I do something wrong?

I need a perfect smooth ass to keep this alpha dick…

View media item 14820521
View media item 14820511
Sorry to hear of your difficulty - however I wanted to comment what a senationally sexy taint and ass you have dude! Your alpha is very lucky!
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I've been shaving most body parts for decades. Funny a previous posted talked about using a duller razor. I am just the opposite. When I shave my pubes, it has to be with a brand-new razor. The bottom line is to do it often - I do it every 3 days most of the time. If I do it more regularly, I get in-grown hairs and razor bumps. Mostly it's getting your skin used to shaving regularly whether it's your face, or your AMAZING giant muscle glutes. Your FB is a very lucky man.
I've been shaving most body parts for decades. Funny a previous posted talked about using a duller razor. I am just the opposite. When I shave my pubes, it has to be with a brand-new razor. The bottom line is to do it often - I do it every 3 days most of the time. If I do it more regularly, I get in-grown hairs and razor bumps. Mostly it's getting your skin used to shaving regularly whether it's your face, or your AMAZING giant muscle glutes. Your FB is a very lucky man.
Yea ! Like he said ! And if your budget permits it; IPL really does reduce how many times you have to shave per week and by the same token, it reduces ingrown hair and all the bad stuff. My 2 cents
Intense pulsing light.. not quite laser treatment but strong enough to act as though. Just look at Ulike product... im not affiliated in anyway but i do own one and im quite satisfied with the result.
checking out your profile pics you are right to be quite satisfied - nice smooth look dude :p love to see more!