Important information, thanks dude, I can't believe that I didn't knew that, sex education should be obligatory and be in all the schools since primary
Hey, being from America, the vast majority of men I’ve had sex with have been circumcised and if I knew that a guy was uncut, if he told me before we had sex, I would actively avoid it. I would change my mind just knowing they were uncircumcised would turn them into a hard pass for me ! Lol, so I don’t pay a lot of attention but why do people have foreskin that’s completely covering their head and then some of them the foreskin is just sitting behind the head. Is that just Your born that way or can you change it by pulling on it or pulling down on it? I honestly don’t know.
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Hey, being from America, the vast majority of men I’ve had sex with have been circumcised and if I knew that a guy was uncut, if he told me before we had sex, I would actively avoid it. I would change my mind just knowing they were uncircumcised would turn them into a hard pass for me ! Lol, so I don’t pay a lot of attention but why do people have foreskin that’s completely covering their head and then some of them the foreskin is just sitting behind the head. Is that just Your born that way or can you change it by pulling on it or pulling down on it? I honestly don’t know.
Nice question, I think it depends on the person, the size, and the genetics, I guess you can change it by pulling down on it
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Hey, being from America, the vast majority of men I’ve had sex with have been circumcised and if I knew that a guy was uncut, if he told me before we had sex, I would actively avoid it. I would change my mind just knowing they were uncircumcised would turn them into a hard pass for me ! Lol, so I don’t pay a lot of attention but why do people have foreskin that’s completely covering their head and then some of them the foreskin is just sitting behind the head. Is that just Your born that way or can you change it by pulling on it or pulling down on it? I honestly don’t know.
Foreskin is retractable, how do people not know this? If a man’s foreskin is sitting behind his head, he most likely retracted it. Also, you are allowed your preferences, but you don’t need to shame men who are uncut. A lot of people in society are so comfortable with shaming men who don’t fit their preference, but you would NEVER see somebody doing the same to a woman without facing backlash. Women and men openly shitting on men who are short and making them feel as if they are less than for it is widely accepted by society and people laugh along. Penis size shaming is big too and people like you are no different than these people. Seen a boy in high school humiliated in all his classes because his penis was smaller. He played football and everybody around the school had something to say. I laughed at the time, but now I wish I sticked up for him. This shit would NEVER be tolerated, if a girl was shamed for having small breasts. One time a guy made fun of a girl because of her vaginal odor and everybody turned against him, boys and girls both.
Thanks! Dumb Ciut American here lol
This guy from Vienna sent me a private letter and asked me all kinds of guestions like why do Americans still do it, why do you prefer C and shit like that. lol I know all about cut cicks but UC is a strange land to me lol! When I was young I would actively avoid it, but now even though I much prefer C, I can do both now. It’s weird how your sexual taste can change over time, I used to HATE tattoos on a guy 1 tattoo would be a deal breaker. Now it doesn’t bother me at all! Lol
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But ok expert in cocks let's give you the credits so you can shut up findly.
This guy from Vienna sent me a private letter and asked me all kinds of guestions like why do Americans still do it, why do you prefer C and shit like that. lol I know all about cut cicks but UC is a strange land to me lol! When I was young I would actively avoid it, but now even though I much prefer C, I can do both now. It’s weird how your sexual taste can change over time, I used to HATE tattoos on a guy 1 tattoo would be a deal breaker. Now it doesn’t bother me at all! Lol
Lol, so you came to this post to discuss with everyone? Feel better doing it? Poor of you
Yeah, everything in here is a public post. and since this a topic about penises, and the topic became C or UC, I posted about my feelings about it. Lighten up bro! It’s only LOGS, it’s not that serious! you must be UC and offended 😛
This guy from Vienna sent me a private letter and asked me all kinds of guestions like why do Americans still do it, why do you prefer C and shit like that. lol I know all about cut cicks but UC is a strange land to me lol! When I was young I would actively avoid it, but now even though I much prefer C, I can do both now. It’s weird how your sexual taste can change over time, I used to HATE tattoos on a guy 1 tattoo would be a deal breaker. Now it doesn’t bother me at all! Lol
I’m American and I ask the same questions. I know the answer to them already, Jewish domination of US healthcare, doctors looking for money, are the reasons why American doctors continue the practice. It was being rejected by American doctors in the early 1970’s and many wanted to do away with it, but that never ended up happening because a Jewish American physician named Edgar Schoen fought hard to stop this.

Fetishist. Nobody expects women to alter their bodies to please people, but everybody just demands men change their bodies to please everybody. If you prefer cut, go and get with the billions of cut men out there, and stop demanding men who are not cut to be cut.
Dude nobody is demanding anything . He suggested maybe it would help and just because he stated a preference that I too share get defensive
Dude nobody is demanding anything . He suggested maybe it would help and just because he stated a preference that I too share get defensive
No need to insert you preference, because he didn’t ask for it. It’s almost as if you expect him to have an operation on his body for you by bringing up your preference. Cut fetishists are so closed minded and think males should be circ because they prefer the look. The worst form of objectification ever. Cut fetishists never consider that some boys and men just might want to be intact, but it’s all about what the cut fetishist wants.
No need to insert you preference, because he didn’t ask for it. It’s almost as if you expect him to have an operation on his body for you by bringing up your preference. Cut fetishists are so closed minded and think males should be circ because they prefer the look. The worst form of objectification ever. Cut fetishists never consider that some boys and men just might want to be intact, but it’s all about what the cut fetishist wants.’s usually what are parents wanted for us like what you like and others ARE ALLOWED to like what they like Hair color, builds, eye color and yes even sexual identity . If you didn’t want this to go “ public “. PM the person next time
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Reactions: dbeach11959’s usually what are parents wanted for us like what you like and others ARE ALLOWED to like what they like Hair color, builds, eye color and yes even sexual identity . If you didn’t want this to go “ public “. PM the person next time
So, parents can sexualize their sons? What parent thinks about their own son this way or think it would be appropriate to have their son’s body modified to match their own preferences? Very insane. Nobody would be ok with a father forcing a labiaplasty on his teenage daughter so her vulva can be smaller, just because he prefers women with smaller labia.
So, parents can sexualize their sons? What parent thinks about their own son this way or think it would be appropriate to have their son’s body modified to match their own preferences? Very insane. Nobody would be ok with a father forcing a labiaplasty on his teenage daughter so her vulva can be smaller, just because he prefers women with smaller labia.
Bro if you feel that strongly about it, why don’t you get off of LPGS and go stand outside a synagogue and hold up a placard and yell in a bullhorn the next time they’re holding a briss. I think they may be more persuaded by your argument then We are. 🙂
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Bro if you feel that strongly about it, why don’t you get off of LPGS and go stand outside a synagogue and hold up a placard and yell in a bullhorn the next time they’re holding a briss. I think they may be more persuaded by your argument then We are. 🙂
I don’t care if Jews cut. I don’t like when Gentile Americans do it. My interest is in stopping Gentiles from being cut and thankfully intactivism is slowly making changes as less and less Americans are cut.
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