I don’t care if Jews cut. I don’t like when Gentile Americans do it. My interest is in stopping Gentiles from being cut and thankfully intactivism is slowly making changes as less and less Americans are cut.
Sounds hypocritical to me..isn’t a cut a cut ? Whether for “ health , aesthetics or religious reason . Now who is the one promoting a one sided agenda that all must conform too ?
Sounds hypocritical to me..isn’t a cut a cut ? Whether for “ health , aesthetics or religious reason . Now who is the one promoting a one sided agenda that all must conform too ?
A cut is a cut. It’s all equally wrong, but Jews do it for a religious reason and not for appearance reasons like Americans.
Also, who’s hurt by me pushing this one sided agenda? If adults want to get cut, they can. I don’t know why gay men like you are strongly opposed to opposition to circ, like there are millions of cut men in the USA for you to lust after. If newborn circ suddenly ended tomorrow, your preference won’t disappear because majority of adult men are cut.
Sounds hypocritical to me..isn’t a cut a cut ? Whether for “ health , aesthetics or religious reason . Now who is the one promoting a one sided agenda that all must conform too ?
Also, only adults can make the aesthetics choice (I don’t think it looks better cut) but that should never be forced on minors because parents have Jose preferences. Also, there are no health reasons to push this on minors, none. The nations with the best healthcare systems in the world don’t believe in this or practice it.
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Also, only adults can make the aesthetics choice (I don’t think it looks better cut) but that should never be forced on minors because parents have Jose preferences. Also, there are no health reasons to push this on minors, none. The nations with the best healthcare systems in the world don’t believe in this or practice it.
And which socialized medical countries would those be ? If governments have to pay for it..of course they are going to tell you it’s not necessary . When you have a kid ..you a free to decide or not decide to have it done . A Child’s medical decisions are parents responsibility whether you like it or not . Clef pallet, , tonsils, crooked teeth or crooked limbs .
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And which socialized medical countries would those be ? If governments have to pay for it..of course they are going to tell you it’s not necessary . When you have a kid ..you a free to decide or not decide to have it done . A Child’s medical decisions are parents responsibility whether you like it or not . Clef pallet, , tonsils, crooked teeth or crooked limbs .
Even private hospitals in those countries don’t offer it because they have a culture that’s rightfully opposed to the weird ass practice. There are poor countries where the government pays for it, like every single African nation, so your argument is not good. The Philippines is very poor but the Filipino government makes sure to pay for any and every boy’s unnecessary tuli surgery.
And which socialized medical countries would those be ? If governments have to pay for it..of course they are going to tell you it’s not necessary . When you have a kid ..you a free to decide or not decide to have it done . A Child’s medical decisions are parents responsibility whether you like it or not . Clef pallet, , tonsils, crooked teeth or crooked limbs .
I will never allow it for my child, because there is no medical need for it. Also, I hate when circ advocates compare having a foreskin to clef pallet, tonsils, crooked teeth and crooked limbs, as if they are even the same thing. Having a penile prepuce is NATURAL and NORMAL, while the things you listed are NOT and are usually treated whenever a medical issue occurs, which most of the time does. Doctors aren’t just preemptively removing tonsils in this day and age, unless it’s been giving a child issues over and over.
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So, when I was little I have an accident, my mom was washing my penis and she pull off the foreskin too hard, making that the frenilus and part of the skin of my dick open, I get a surgery and they make an kind of double frenilus and left me an strange scar. It's hard find someone that understands how sensitive my wick left and the condition with my frenilus, I have gone to medic consulting and they have tell me that it's OK, that my frenilus will get rip off someday and don't seem necessary a removal surgery, I have sex before and I don't know, my foreskin bottlers me sometimes, cause my double frenulum problem makes that I can't peel off and that left behind my glands.

What do you think

Hello. Firstly, there is nothing wrong with your forey and there's absolutely no need for you to consider circumcision. Your forey goes back fine and doesn't look in any way tight.

As you have correctly identified, you've got a bit of a minor problem with what we call your frenulum. But your case is mild. In your pic its really only the tight white bit of your fren on the top (in the pic) that looks like it hasn't fully released (or ripped) yet. The thicker bit of your fren just underneath the tight bit is basically what 90% of guys are going to have. You'll want to leave that bit alone ;-) As for that little tight bit, in Australia you could get that taken care of in a lot of suburban GP doctors rooms. I know probably 4 or 5 mates that had it done in their late teens through to mid 20. So yeah you have a minor case and their advice to just wait and see if it releases naturally probably wasn't unreasonable advice at all. But if it's bothering you, you should be able to have it nicked by a doctor. They don't actually cut any flesh off so its a minor procedure. Theres a natural separation line in there, like a zip, no more than a couple of mm long. Your zip is a bit stuck at one end. Nick it to unstick the zip and the rest will take care of itself. You certainly do not need any kind of 'removal surgery'. You may not even need a stitch.

Hope that helps mate.
Hello. Firstly, there is nothing wrong with your forey and there's absolutely no need for you to consider circumcision. Your forey goes back fine and doesn't look in any way tight.

As you have correctly identified, you've got a bit of a minor problem with what we call your frenulum. But your case is mild. In your pic its really only the tight white bit of your fren on the top (in the pic) that looks like it hasn't fully released (or ripped) yet. The thicker bit of your fren just underneath the tight bit is basically what 90% of guys are going to have. You'll want to leave that bit alone ;-) As for that little tight bit, in Australia you could get that taken care of in a lot of suburban GP doctors rooms. I know probably 4 or 5 mates that had it done in their late teens through to mid 20. So yeah you have a minor case and their advice to just wait and see if it releases naturally probably wasn't unreasonable advice at all. But if it's bothering you, you should be able to have it nicked by a doctor. They don't actually cut any flesh off so its a minor procedure. Theres a natural separation line in there, like a zip, no more than a couple of mm long. Your zip is a bit stuck at one end. Nick it to unstick the zip and the rest will take care of itself. You certainly do not need any kind of 'removal surgery'. You may not even need a stitch.

Hope that helps mate.
Thanks, for real 🫂💗
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