Froy (teen wolf)

tbh looking at his family you would never guessed there's mexican blood in them.
his mom is white, from new england apparently. gutierrez is his dad's last name. his dad is also as white as froy. the one pic i found includes a little kid, so i can't post/link it, but it's not hard to find on goggle if you search for his parents.
according to wikipedia he was born and raised in texas(and his mom's twitter says she lives in dallas). i think it might be more a case of being descendants of northern europeans that moved to the americas and ended up having a spanish name. white brazilians tend to be the case. they're descendants of germans and italians that fled europe after the war
Although Froy has explicitly said that he does not identify himself as a white person. He said it in an interview, so he doesn't like to be listed as one.
Although Froy has explicitly said that he does not identify himself as a white person. He said it in an interview, so he doesn't like to be listed as one.
We can (and are allowed to) identify as a race by choice now? I'm all for freedom and being open-minded to who anyone wants to be but I think this is going to be a progression that's going to be very problematic and not accepted.
We can (and are allowed to) identify as a race by choice now? I'm all for freedom and being open-minded to who anyone wants to be but I think this is going to be a progression that's going to be very problematic and not accepted.
it's already something that is problematic and not accepted. just think back at that rachel dolezal woman that went years pretending to be black.
obviously his fanbase is mostly composed of young tumblr girls and gays that think you should be able to identify as a mattress if you wish to.
but the dude has nothing to identify him as mexican and wasn't even born there. the only claim to said mexican heritage seems to be a hispanic last name, which proves nothing.
he could very well be that a european family in which the husband was spanish moved to mexico and lived there before moving to america.
for example, there's this youtuber called miniladd. he's pale af, his parents are english and irish. but he was born in dubai. that doesn't make him arab any way shape or form. he can say he's from an arab country, but identifying himself as arab solely because his white parents were in dubai at the time of his birth doesn't mean he can claim to be of middle eastern heritage or identify as middle eastern/arab
it's already something that is problematic and not accepted. just think back at that rachel dolezal woman that went years pretending to be black.
obviously his fanbase is mostly composed of young tumblr girls and gays that think you should be able to identify as a mattress if you wish to.
but the dude has nothing to identify him as mexican and wasn't even born there. the only claim to said mexican heritage seems to be a hispanic last name, which proves nothing.
he could very well be that a european family in which the husband was spanish moved to mexico and lived there before moving to america.
for example, there's this youtuber called miniladd. he's pale af, his parents are english and irish. but he was born in dubai. that doesn't make him arab any way shape or form. he can say he's from an arab country, but identifying himself as arab solely because his white parents were in dubai at the time of his birth doesn't mean he can claim to be of middle eastern heritage or identify as middle eastern/arab

He is mexican... Froy comes from Froylan or Froilan which is a spanish name, if you look for comments and stuff where he mentions his father you can see mexican culture is really something for him, he has mentioned the food, some slangs. Gutierrez is the 4th most common hispanic surname and it has been stated he is caxcan (google it) which is an indigenous tribe from central Mexico who started mixing with spanish in the 1500's so that may discard the "european blood mexican born father.

He just happen to be really white, remember the american continent has been subject to different immigrstion waves and most ethnicities in these countries do not exist anymore other than the truly native who have preserved it.
having a spanish name means nothing. i'm portuguese and my parents told me many times how the other name they were gonna give me was a german name. that doesn't mean i would've been german