Froy (teen wolf)

Where he was born doesn't matter, if his family is of Mexican heritage, then he has the right to say he's Mexican. Get a grip people. You know Mexicans can be white? Blue? eyed blind haired? Open your eyes and stop judging based on looks.
And there it is, the whole uncut vs cut that makes every thread in this forum go to shit.

And lol @ ppl having a problem with what he is, where he is from or anything really. Can't even imagine the amount of mouth foaming that would go in a Keanu Reeves thread if the fact he sees himself as a POC were to be discussed lmao
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He is mexican... Froy comes from Froylan or Froilan which is a spanish name, if you look for comments and stuff where he mentions his father you can see mexican culture is really something for him, he has mentioned the food, some slangs. Gutierrez is the 4th most common hispanic surname and it has been stated he is caxcan (google it) which is an indigenous tribe from central Mexico who started mixing with spanish in the 1500's so that may discard the "european blood mexican born father.

He just happen to be really white, remember the american continent has been subject to different immigrstion waves and most ethnicities in these countries do not exist anymore other than the truly native who have preserved it.

He is also fluent in Spanish and even carries the Mexican accent while speaking it. His dad is also not as pale as he is and Hispanics are all sorts of different skin colors. Some are lighter than others. Some are darker. My sister is as pale as Froy but her heritage is 100% puerto rican. Just cause hes pale does not mean he doesnt have the heritage. You also dont call your father papucho if you're 100% White and European. Just saying.

Either way there really is no point to this conversation. He has a pale skin complexion and has mexican heritage and is hot as fuck.
Mexican guy here. Born and raised here and I can tell you that that according to the article 30 of the Political Constitution of the Mexican United States you get the mexican nationality if you were born in the country or if you were born from mexican parents (either if it’s the mother, the father or both) outside of the country so that makes Froy a mexican citizen. He is a fluent Spanish speaker, comes to the country every summer to visit his family and participates on mexican traditions like Día de Muertos, Independence Day and Revolution Day. It doesn’t matter if he was born in the USA, he’s both mexican and american, he just has a paler skin tone than what people usually expect from us. You know, we are not all how we are depicted in movies and tv. Yeah, there’s people with dark skin tone here, but many of my friends are as white as you’d expect from an american/canadian/european.
And there it is, the whole uncut vs cut that makes every thread in this forum go to shit.

And lol @ ppl having a problem with what he is, where he is from or anything really. Can't even imagine the amount of mouth foaming that would go in a Keanu Reeves thread if the fact he sees himself as a POC were to be discussed lmao

How long do you think it'll take before this entire site turns into shit hole? I think it gets worse everyday.
How long do you think it'll take before this entire site turns into shit hole? I think it gets worse everyday.