Hi everyone. My name is Dylan, and I recently turned 18 and am from New York. I’ve been trying to figure so many things out with my sexuality and gender identity. I would say that I am overwhelmingly homosexual, and would indeed sleep with and love another man. However, recently, and I have been getting attracted towards vaginas, not so much women, but their beautiful holy vaginas and breasts. This awakening seems to have occurred after watching straight porn. I’m not sure if it was the sight of seeing a penis beautifully penetrating the vagina so miraculously and wanting that don’t to myself (I’m a bottom despite being a virgin), or if whether I wanted to partake in heterosexual sex myself. I’m not sure, and still trying to figure things out. The sight of a vagina does excite me, but not to the same intensity or drive to the sight of a man and his penis. I believe that I am mostly homosexual now with sudden homoflexible tendencies. I do find myself pleasuring myself to both gay and straight porn, and when watching the latter specifically, I had, at first, masturbated to the sight of a manly man pleasuring himself and the woman, but now it has transformed into seeing them both together making love and being an act of intimacy. The masculinity of the man and his assertiveness and the femininity of the woman… it’s a beautiful sight. How he thrusts and eventually ejaculates his semen… oh my…
I hope I’m making sense— bear with me, I’m only trying to make sense of it myself too. Feel free to reply and share your experiences and thoughts. I just ask that we stay respectful

remember just because we don’t live the same experience, doesn’t make it any less real.