Garett Nolan (tiktok)

He. Does. Not.

He has changed careers. People need to stop asking and move on. Enjoy his old content.

Okay this is the question I came to this thread to have answered. Saw Garett’s TikTok videos suddenly pop up on my fyp, clicked on his page and discovered he rebranded himself as an actor and has over 15 million followers. Naturally I became curious again about his adult content. Thanks for the clarification. 🤔
What?! Why?
He’s making a go at “real” acting. Pity cause I bet would snatch him up in a millisecond and he’d make tons more money with that an OF.

Rip to Garret’s sexy hairy hole vids. 🥵
Again breaks my heart
It does kind of suck, but he could make it. He can really act and sing. He can probably dance, too. However, he could decide to act and do OF at the same time, down the line -- like Nick Pulos.

I actually saw him on real TV shows and stuff back in the day. It's a tough business. When he wasn't acting, he worked as a stuntman. I remember one time when Queen Latifah said actors were lucky to get two big gigs a year.

Viola Davis is a part of the Academy. As such, she gets to see the statistics of people in the biz. There are different kinds of actors like background, supporting and such.

The really famous actors make up like the top 2%, and the avg. actor only makes $50,000. This is why they were protesting awhile back and while many still have to have other jobs.
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