Gay sex scenes from movies/tv series

SHORTBUS is currently online for free streaming (March 2024, while it lasts):
That site is filled with spam, not to mention, it looks like it was designed back in 1998 by the same guys that did the Space Jam website.
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That site is filled with spam, not to mention, it looks like it was designed back in 1998 by the same guys that did the Space Jam website.
What? That comment makes no sense. There's absolutely no spam or ads of any kind at PopcornFUX --
It's simply an annotated index to free, licensed movies available on multiple free video hosting sites, like TubiTV, The ROKU Channel, Plex, VUDU, YouTube Movies, etc. -- Of course, many of those free-streaming sites have ads, but, again, the PopcornFUX index itself has no ads or "spam" at all.

Plus, PopcornFUX includes a separate topical index page for free LGBTQ-themed films & shows: - just a few of which are pictured below...


(though not nearly as many free LGBTQ titles as are indexed at QueenScreenings)
Can someone upload a clip of this?
Absolutely zero nudity in this, both men are fully clothed and you just see one guy's head dipping off screen (presumably as he's knealing) and the other guy's surprised reaction. It's played for laughs.
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Absolutely zero nudity in this, both men are fully clothed and you just see one guy's head dipping off screen (presumably as he's knealing) and the other guy's surprised reaction. It's played for laughs.
exactly, far from hot
Does anybody know about a latin full length film where the guy is fucking a girl and then another dude tongues his ass? And the gay dude tries to kiss the straight dude.
"Does anybody know about a latin full length film where the guy is fucking a girl and then another dude tongues his ass? And the gay dude tries to kiss the straight dude."

The film is Los días particulares or These Peculiar Days. It is currently available on Dekoo and Apple TV.
I'm looking for a scene from a movie or TV series that I think was in xtube a while back. It's where there are 2 guys in an out door bath or hottub kind of thing. Just like a big wooden bath and the guy is straight I thinkt but ends up having sex with the other guy before then leaving. Anybody know what movie it is?
Sorry man, unable to find it
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yeah the new season of El juego de llaves's gay sex scenes are also kinda disappointing. They show skin, the show nice butts but they still haven't been able to capture the sexual chemistry and tension between Manuel Vega and Horacio Pancheri from the first season and the sex scene that came from it even though it was so short.

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The new seasons sex scenes. They teased bisexuality with Hugo Catalan's character with a hot guy but didnt really go anywhere.
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Is hugo character get fucked in the series?