I have a very skinny dick, 4.3" girth at the best, with a slightly larger glans. If I use a cock ring and super engorge, I'm lucky to be 4.4". It took me awhile to be sexually active for religious reasons, but I remember the first condom I tried was very loose and I was shocked. It wasn't a magnum, just a regular Trojan. I did switch to Lifestyles and those felt tighter, but many times when getting soft they would slip off when I would exit the vagina. That is more due to erectile dysfunction, which makes a skinny dick even more useless. I think many times the girls were trying to grip the dick just to feel something, but this mostly just caused the condom to get stuck while I pulled out.
Out of 30 something partners, I only had 2 or 3 make serious moaning/groaning/yelling from penetration. These were typically petite girls, some asian. At least with my length, I can get a good depth which helps in some cases. I have had a girl say 'too deep' and 'so deep' a few times.
Surprisingly, I have always had women want to come back for seconds, with the exception of obvious one night stand situations (usually tinder girls in town for a short period).
There was only one time I had a negative comment, the girl asked 'is it getting bigger?' in a very concerned tone. I was mostly erect. After, she asked if her pussy was tight enough for me. I managed to cum, so it was for me. She did thank me for the sex ironically. Perhaps because she was not attractive and hadn't had any for awhile. I didn't bother trying to see her again, as she was below my normal attraction level, she tricked me with better pictures online and I didnt want to turn her away. So I guess its good that she was my only bad comment...
I have had massage parlor women (prostitutes) make comments like 'perfect size for me, can't fuck too much'. I think one time one was laughing because of my dick (but not sure, could have been laughing for some other reason).
When some of those women grab it to ride on top, most are chubby and it looks like inserting a pencil that could break in half. So, I'm not a huge fan of cowgirl. Also tend to lose my erection in that position.
I did have one off/on partner who was cheating on her fiance, and she said his was too big and made her hurt/bleed. So, its funny to point out that she was cheating on a big dick for a pencil dick! She was also a petite asian.
I have never been with men, but have been with pre-op transwomen. That was what caused my biggest insecurity, once I realized the girth disparity. I was blissfully unaware of how much I was lacking, and how it affects sex in general, after all, I dont want real couples have sex, only porn. And I knew porn is exaggerated and chosen to have the biggest dicks. But now I know, even normal non-porn guys are mostly bigger than me and it affects pleasure.
As for the trans, they have all been thicker than me, except for one which was probably 4" x 3.5". It was quite tiny, and she was insecure. Also it had a weird bend and extra skin. A very unfortunate dick, to say the least. At least I can say my length was longer than half of them, I saw a couple short stubby ones. And I was close in length in general. I am 6.5" length bonepressed and fully erect.
So while its not thick, I have not been deepthroated by many. Maybe 3 women have fully throated it while erect.
If I didn't feel a thicker trans dick, or spend time online, I probably would have gone through my life somewhat ignorant of my poor girth. And life would probably be fine, as I said no woman has disparaged me, or walked out, and almost all have come back for a second date or more (even with bad erection quality in many cases).
Its important to note, if you look at the stats, average girth is around 4.6, so 4.25 is one standard deviation below, and roughly 20-25% of men have this girth. 1 out of 4 men do not have a girthy dick, its a large number and most women will encounter it and many will even settle for it.