Have hyperspermia, curious about the experience of others who also have it



As the title says, I've always known that I cum an unusually large amount, but did not know this was an actual condition until I took a preemptive fertility test. (And so have proof and certainly not faking. Results being 5.5mL in the form of 11-15 ropes)

I know the condition gets sexualized, but I'm not interested in that, but rather talking to others who also have it. I understand the visual appeal, but outside of that not sure why anyone would want to get it as I definitely deal with excessive amounts of precum, being constantly horny to the point that it feels disruptive to my daily life, and still notice changes based on my streak of diet and exercise and what not.

So others in a similar boat, happy to chat. Please know I am not interested in meeting up or sharing pics for the sake of it.
Don't have hyperspermia lol but the things I would do if I did. Although what has helped you deal with excessive semen?/ Large amount of precum as sometimes my own is pretty inconvenient.