Have you ever been creeped on in the locker room?

This happened to me today sort of.

at the gym, a guy at least 15 years older than me who works in a different department was directly behind me coming into the locker room. And then was directly behind me walking to the showers. It got weird once we hit the showers (open) that it was strange. He picked the shower head next to mine, when the other wall was open. And every time I turned around, he was facing me.
I have seen many guys taking a look at my naked body (and sex organs) in locker rooms, pool showers and nude beach.

Once on a nude (rather clothing-optional) beach there were two guys nearby, about 20 y/o. I saw with my peripheral vision one of them pointing at me and whispering something to the other. Then they stood up and the first started taking photos of the other one and with me laying on my back in the background. It was obvious that my naked body (and penis) ended on the pictures. I didn't care. These guys might have been gay - I didn't care.

What was more strange to me is that they were wearing board-shorts and obviously too ashamed to strip naked on the beach, but were staring and taking pictures of another guy who was buck naked. :( :confused: :laughing:
I have had guys wait to watch me undress and hit the showers and I have had guys follow me into the showers. It is a compliment. If they jack in the shower I will put on a little show. Some guys want to just see my dick and some guys want to touch it. And I like seeing men who are comfortable being naked with other men. My favorite...where I think that I was the creeper lol was a younger guy about 20 across from me in the showers. I noticed that he was hard. I started washing and he got super erect. So I started stroking and he wouldn't even look at me. But I kept looking at him lol My bad lol
One time I was showering at the gym in an open shower. As I entered the shower a guy was leaving to dry off by the area where the towel racks were I just started showering with my back toward him. He called out to me to get my attention. He was standing where my towel had been hanging to point out it fell on the floor? I just said oh uh thanks just hang it back up. The way he looked at me I swear he just wanted me face him so he could get a good look. He probably hoped I’d walk toward him naked so I could just pick up my towel? Not the most discreet plan lol

Another time I was showering after leaving the pool. I kind of saw this older slightly spooky looking guy watching me entering a stall. I didn’t close the curtain at first and took my shorts off. I kind of saw him looking at me still. I closed the curtain to shower for a while. I walked out after a long shower and this guy is fully dressed in the drying off area standing by the bathing suit drier facing me. I stood there for a bit thinking he would move but I had to ask if I could use it. He moved maybe two feet still facing me as I used my hands to hood the drier lid. I could cover anything and his eyes were wandering down my body. I went to dry off in the other corner of the room. He’s still fully dressed just moving things in his bag watching me. He stands outside the door of the shower room watching me walk out. I go to my locker in the other side of the room. He follows me there still just randomly unpacking his back pack and putting stuff back in but looking at me with this hungry serial killer vibe. Some might say flattering but really this guy had this semi angry rapist look in his eyes I tried not to stand too close to him.
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I was creeped on often when I was younger. Never identified as such, but looking back I was definitely a twink. I have no problem with guys looking or taking pics, or even stroking themselves. I'll even play on occasion. But I would often get guys that were 70 or 80 years old trying to grab my dick without permission. That is not cool.
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Only in bathhouses
Me too and it drives me nuts. He always seems to find you just when you've thought you shaken him off. And damn there the creeper is.
Yes at a gym and korean spas. I've had guys follow me around from place to place. Sometimes just staring right at my dick. As long as it's not too overt I don't mind. But I don't like the following. Leave me be!
Two older guys pinned me down in pool.Pinching my dime sized nipples and lowered my speedo to my ankles.
When are we going to see your calendar shoot? Super interested in that
Yes at a gym and korean spas. I've had guys follow me around from place to place. Sometimes just staring right at my dick. As long as it's not too overt I don't mind. But I don't like the following. Leave me be!
Yeah had happened to me quite a few times too. Told one guy to back the fuck up and swear he ran to a stall and jerked off lol
yeah I feel the same.

I don't think it's okay for people to take photos in the locker room of other people without their permission. But, if someone does that to ME, I really don't care. Sort of like how I felt when they came out with those metal detectors at airports that basically let them see you kind of naked. Some people felt like it was an invasion of their privacy. I had no issue. I'd even strip down naked in the middle of the airport if they wanted me to. I don't give a shit. haha
This is kind of where I am as well. Hidden camera snooping is a gross invasion of privacy and wrong, but if someone did that to me I don't think it'd make a whole lot of difference. I'm not coy about my body and between one thing and another (e.g. showering and changing at work and at the gym,) most of my social circle has already seen me naked anyway. It'd be a bit awkward if those who haven't, especially the female ones, saw pictures of me in the buff, but on the other hand 1. what's the likelihood of identifiable images of some naked anonymous bloke, that someone else has taken for gratification, finding its way back to people who know him in the first place? And 2. even if they did, they're only going to show me stripping out of my sweaty gear, having a shower or some such, not getting up to anything shameful.

All that having been said, I think I'd draw the line at going tackle out in the middle of an airport!
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