Have you ever been groped without consent first?

When it's happened, I generally took it as a compliment unless the groper seemed to be too aggressive. It's happened casually in public as well as in more private settings such as sex parties where consent is assumed. Bars and clubs are a bit trickier because sometimes there is liquor involved and people don't know how to take "no" for an answer if I'm not in the mood.
Yes. At a friend's smallish house party I was sitting on the couch just vibin' and then a friend of my friend's boyfriend or something came and sat next to me and started flirting aggressively, like putting his arm around me and his hand on my leg and shit. I gave off pretty obvious signs that I wasn't interested and I didn't reciprocate but the dude kept getting closer until he was basically on top of me and inches from my face and kept pushing for me to drink more, like literally putting the cup to my lips, like wtf. Finally he grabbed my dick and I got up and went to another room and avoided the dude for the rest of the night.

Honestly, I would've gone for it if the guy had been at least moderately decent-looking but like all the people who flirt with me, he wasn't, not even a little bit. My dick didn't so much as twitch when he grabbed it.
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Yes, no joke lol.
I am Chinese and we all know Kung Fu.
There is a martial arts move called "Monkey Stealing Peach"
"monkey steals the peach" (martial arts), distracting an opponent with one hand and seizing his testicles with the other
(coll.) grabbing sb by the balls.
But you know, it's hard to just touch the balls alone without touching the dick. Some people also aim for dicks.
Boys love to touch or grab each other's dicks like a "sneak attack".
But after people become aware of gender in adulthood, they rarely do this. Occasionally, some people do it, but they are considered childish and immature.
Our school uniforms were all very thin sweatpants. Some boys with shorter dicks would have bulges. We would sometimes secretly poke their bulges with our fingers to make fun of them.
The boy who was poked will then immediately counterattack with "Monkey Stealing Peach".
This kind of situation is so common that I usually don’t have any special memories, but one time it impressed me deeply. After I was “sneak-attacked”, the other person exclaimed that my dick was huge lol (it’s just my feeling, I think my classmates They are all "Growers" and I am a "Shower", so they were surprised when they touched a big soft dick)
It is serious sexual harassment for a boy to slap a girl's butt, but it is normal for girls to slap a boy's butt. When we were teenagers, it was very common for boys to slap each other's butts, as a way of saying hello.
the butt is often especially my female friend because some of them really like men's butt and they like to hit softly or touch. But the crotch, I'm never been groped from the stranger, it happened so many times with friend only like football teammate or cycling gang when they want to tease you or make fun of you and what you do after they grope yours is find the way to grope them back.
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Reminds me of something, it makes me feel quite uncomfortable
I once went to a concert in college. There was a male classmate whom I knew but was not familiar with sitting next to me. He put my thigh on his thigh. Although I was a little embarrassed, I didn't refuse, but I didn't understand this behavior.
To me it’s like a friendly handshake between guys. I have been in many situations(nude event, men’s campground, Mardi Gras, Halloween party, orgy, etc) where it’s a common greeting for a guy to give to another. I’m standing around at some event or a campground, guy comes up to meet, as we talk, he reaches out and fondles me as we talk, I usually reciprocate. I have always felt it was a friendly way for men to bond and it has often lead to a memorable encounter to be remembered. I love being groped. I have been to many crowded events whereby you get fondled anonymously, I always find it exciting, it’s gets me hard and again, often leads to a fun encounter with a new bud. I enjoy bonding with men in a social situation through mutual fondling.
Many times. By more women than men.

I've shared this story here at LPSG before. Riding home from a concert four across in the back seat of a car late at night seated next to a friend's girlfriend she pulled a jumbo pack of gum from her purse, asked me if I wanted a stick then dumped the entire pack in my lap when I said yes. While helping me gather up all the pieces she grabbed and felt my junk repeatedly. When I lifted my butt off the seat so we could get the sticks of gum under me she groped me from underneath and squeezed my butt. When I sat down after it had all been gathered her hand was under me. She felt me the rest of the way home.
Quite a few times actually now that I think about it. I played in a (moderately) successful band. We toured the states quite a bit and as a result we’d end up and more than a few parties. Post gig parties can get pretty wild especially if the women who attended the show were there as well.

Aside from that kind of stuff, I used to attend some “sexy” parties some of my gay/bi friends would throw. Many of them didn’t require nudity, the dress code was “underwear at the most” so my bulge was on display a lot at these parties. 98% of the guys were good about asking first, and the 2% were genuinely apologetic when they learned I’m straight. Easy misunderstanding given the setting. Haha

I don’t think I had any negative feelings around it, because I was generally in a position where I was looking for attention. I’m a lead guitarist, I need attention all the time. Haha. I think had it happened not in one of those settings I would have had a different feeling about it though. Like if it happened while I was trying to do my job or existing in the world, I’d probably feel some type of way about it.
Very common at bars and public transport.

There's virtually no way of knowing who's doing it when it is crowded.
Yes. My wife and I attended a party that was made up of mostly coworkers and their spouses. I was standing next to the husband of my female work mate when he casually reached down with his right hand and grabbed a handful of my junk. No comment or reaction by him, just a slow grab, hold and then release. I was surprised and curious at the same time and simply said "Hello?!?!?".
Yes. My wife and I attended a party that was made up of mostly coworkers and their spouses. I was standing next to the husband of my female work mate when he casually reached down with his right hand and grabbed a handful of my junk. No comment or reaction by him, just a slow grab, hold and then release. I was surprised and curious at the same time and simply said "Hello?!?!?".
Didn't he react at all?
Wow, I wouldn't mind that, but it does get confusing
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What happened and how did you react? I have had men and women playfully grab my crotch and butt. Some of it has been consensual but other times strangers have just grabbed handfuls out of nowhere.
I've never been groped by a stranger under any circumstances in my entire life. I've told this story in a very similar thread: A group of friends and acquaintances was meeting up on a cold winter's day. When were all parted ways goodbye hugs were given by almost everyone to everyone else. A woman who I only knew casually and I gave each other a really good hug (it was freaking cold out!) and we commented on the need to get close and tight to stay warm. She dropped her hands down to my butt and laughed , so I did the same to her. Just a few seconds, just having some fun. If she had actually groped my groin, she would have felt nothing, as it was freaking cold out (did I say it was cold?) and I had major shrinkage I'm sure!

Looking back, I wonder if she was expressing interest in me, but if she was, I was clueless and didn't pursue it. The only other groping I've every experienced has been by the women in my life that I was involved with. Those gropes were always welcome and usually led to sex!
I'm not a fan of being touched without my permission. A woman grabbed a handful of my ass while standing in line for a ride at Epcot. I embarassed the hell out of her and her friends. One night, while out with a friend, someone he knew came up and started playing with his nipple. He was wearing jean overalls with no shirt on underneath so he had easy access. He reached out to grab mine, and I slapped his hand away. He looked pissed off and said something like .... what the fuck? I told him I didn't know him, hadn't given him permission to touch me and he needed to keep his hands to himself.
Obviously we’re talking non-consensual here right? Not flirting that just moves too fast?

Full on cock grope? Half a dozen times. Most of those in crowded areas, a couple times in smaller settings, a circular booth with a group, under the table.

Ass groped? Four times. Once as a sorority initiation by someone I kind of knew. Told them they were creeps. Twice by dudes that played victim when I told them to back off. Once by a girl that was actually normally pretty sweet but was drunk.

Arm and shoulder groped? A lot. A few times I think they thought they were being playful and it wasn’t a big deal. A couple gay coworkers that responded like assholes, and a few guys out. A few women just went for it. I think they think it’s cute or can get away with it because they think every guy wants to fuck with them.

A couple gay dudes at a restaurant on rainbow row, a gay area in town. I had a gay roommate and we went there sometimes so he could look for fucks. A few guys were jerks, but mostly guys were cool and I understood their confusion since these were predominately gay venues.

Three non-consensual grinding lap dances. One, she was just drunk and I lifted her off me. Two, she was kind of hurt and I felt bad but really gave her no signs that I wanted it. Three, I think she came. It was ridiculous. In front of dozens if not a hundred people at a party. She was also drunk.
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