Have you ever walked in on someone wanking

My nephew was staying with me for a month last summer while he interned in the city and took a course at the local city college.

He told me one evening he had a project that involved doing some video editing. He knew I did video editing myself and had software on the computer in my room, so he asked if he could use it.

I gave my go ahead. I told him I was meeting my gf at the gym and then we'd be going out to dinner; he'd have the run of the place to himself for probably 3 - 4 hours.

Long story short, gf didn't meet me at the gym. I ended up coming straight home from my workout.

I live in a classic Philly row house. My master suite is the 3rd floor of the house. As I turn the corner at the top of the stairs and walk into what is a long dark foyer leading to my bedroom, I see my nephew sitting at my desk shirtless leaning back in the chair, holding the waistband of his boxers down just below his balls with one hand while feverishly stroking his cock with the other.

I stopped dead in my tracks and just watched for a minute.

I thought for sure he'd see me in his peripheral at any second, but he was so focused on whatever he was watching on my computer and had his gaming headphones on that I don't think he would have noticed me until I walked up and put my hand on his shoulder.... which I contemplated. But, I didn't want to embarrass the kid, so I opted to quietly walk the other direction into my bathroom. I turned on the shower and hopped in. When I got out of the shower, the boy had gone downstairs.

2 - 3 months go by and I get a call from my brother that he's going to swing by my house. This is a rare occasion so I already know something is up, but I have no idea what the visit could be about.

My brother walks into my house, hands me a thumb drive and says "This is yours."

"Um... no, I don't think so..."

"Maybe not the drive, but it's content."

He went on to explain that his youngest recently received a 2-day in-school suspension for distributing (sharing) explicit videos and images with some of the other boys on his high school soccer team. Apparently, it was a gag involving airdropping content to people's unsecured phones... and this happened during lunch on school property... so it was an issue.

My brother (being super conservative) has their home computers and kid's devices on all kinds of lockdown / monitoring, so he pressed the boy to explain to him where the videos came from.

As it turned out, I'm not the only one who has walked-in on my eldest nephew playing choke the chicken. When the youngest caught his older brother jacking off while watching "porn," he promised his brother to keep it a secret if he shared the "porn" with him.

This information, of course, led my brother to check the laptop of his eldest son. There he found over 200 of my "home" videos and photos.

Apparently, the time I walked in on my nephew... I hadn't interrupted him jerking it to just any internet porn... he was jerking it my stash of personal nudes and sex videos. I thought I had cleverly concealed their existence on my computer by saving them in my "Taxes" folder under "I-69s" :joy:, but I guess as soon as he opened the video editing software on my computer, my content was there for his viewing.

I was more than a little surprised the kid found videos of his uncle so intriguing that he'd save them for his own recreational purposes.. and so was my brother.

According to my brother, the youngest had no idea the content he was sharing was mine and said he wanted to keep it that way. He said he's continuing to talk to his eldest about this "disturbing behavior," but I told him it was probably just pure curiosity. Chalk it up to years of living under a tightly managed conservative household.

We agreed to never talk about it again.

I asked my brother if he watched any of it. He said just enough to know exactly what he was looking at, and it didn't take him long. He laughed and called me "depraved." I laughed and told him, I'm glad to give him pointers anytime. He didn't laugh. Schmuck.

Anyhow, while I agreed with my brother that he and I never needed to talk about the incident again... I think I'm going to talk about it with my nephew just b/c I don't think he really has anyone to talk with sex stuff about and I want him to know he doesn't have to be ashamed.
Anyhow, while I agreed with my brother that he and I never needed to talk about the incident again... I think I'm going to talk about it with my nephew just b/c I don't think he really has anyone to talk with sex stuff about and I want him to know he doesn't have to be ashamed.
Speaking from a professional background: I wholeheartedly concur. If only to tell him that masturbation is a normal and very healthy pastime
My nephew was staying with me for a month last summer while he interned in the city and took a course at the local city college.

He told me one evening he had a project that involved doing some video editing. He knew I did video editing myself and had software on the computer in my room, so he asked if he could use it.

I gave my go ahead. I told him I was meeting my gf at the gym and then we'd be going out to dinner; he'd have the run of the place to himself for probably 3 - 4 hours.

Long story short, gf didn't meet me at the gym. I ended up coming straight home from my workout.

I live in a classic Philly row house. My master suite is the 3rd floor of the house. As I turn the corner at the top of the stairs and walk into what is a long dark foyer leading to my bedroom, I see my nephew sitting at my desk shirtless leaning back in the chair, holding the waistband of his boxers down just below his balls with one hand while feverishly stroking his cock with the other.

I stopped dead in my tracks and just watched for a minute.

I thought for sure he'd see me in his peripheral at any second, but he was so focused on whatever he was watching on my computer and had his gaming headphones on that I don't think he would have noticed me until I walked up and put my hand on his shoulder.... which I contemplated. But, I didn't want to embarrass the kid, so I opted to quietly walk the other direction into my bathroom. I turned on the shower and hopped in. When I got out of the shower, the boy had gone downstairs.

2 - 3 months go by and I get a call from my brother that he's going to swing by my house. This is a rare occasion so I already know something is up, but I have no idea what the visit could be about.

My brother walks into my house, hands me a thumb drive and says "This is yours."

"Um... no, I don't think so..."

"Maybe not the drive, but it's content."

He went on to explain that his youngest recently received a 2-day in-school suspension for distributing (sharing) explicit videos and images with some of the other boys on his high school soccer team. Apparently, it was a gag involving airdropping content to people's unsecured phones... and this happened during lunch on school property... so it was an issue.

My brother (being super conservative) has their home computers and kid's devices on all kinds of lockdown / monitoring, so he pressed the boy to explain to him where the videos came from.

As it turned out, I'm not the only one who has walked-in on my eldest nephew playing choke the chicken. When the youngest caught his older brother jacking off while watching "porn," he promised his brother to keep it a secret if he shared the "porn" with him.

This information, of course, led my brother to check the laptop of his eldest son. There he found over 200 of my "home" videos and photos.

Apparently, the time I walked in on my nephew... I hadn't interrupted him jerking it to just any internet porn... he was jerking it my stash of personal nudes and sex videos. I thought I had cleverly concealed their existence on my computer by saving them in my "Taxes" folder under "I-69s" :joy:, but I guess as soon as he opened the video editing software on my computer, my content was there for his viewing.

I was more than a little surprised the kid found videos of his uncle so intriguing that he'd save them for his own recreational purposes.. and so was my brother.

According to my brother, the youngest had no idea the content he was sharing was mine and said he wanted to keep it that way. He said he's continuing to talk to his eldest about this "disturbing behavior," but I told him it was probably just pure curiosity. Chalk it up to years of living under a tightly managed conservative household.

We agreed to never talk about it again.

I asked my brother if he watched any of it. He said just enough to know exactly what he was looking at, and it didn't take him long. He laughed and called me "depraved." I laughed and told him, I'm glad to give him pointers anytime. He didn't laugh. Schmuck.

Anyhow, while I agreed with my brother that he and I never needed to talk about the incident again... I think I'm going to talk about it with my nephew just b/c I don't think he really has anyone to talk with sex stuff about and I want him to know he doesn't have to be ashamed.
Not trying to make fun of it, but looks like eventually everyone had to pay their "tax." :p
Caught my dad and brother on separate occasions. Dad thought he was home alone and started watching porn. I kept hearing moans/screams so I walked into his room and I basically got a pov shot of him drilling his fleshlight. I think his reaction made it worse cuz he ran toward the door to close it but all I saw was his raging hard-on dripping lube/precum heading directly at me. I caught my brother one time during a fishing trip we went on with my dad. He said he wasn’t feeling well so he stayed at the cabin while me and my dad headed out. I realized I forgot my entry ticket in our shared bedroom so my dad had to drive back. I wanted to be quiet, as I didn’t want to wake him in case he was asleep. I walked in on my brother standing over his bed, jacking off with his head tilt back and one hand on his waist. He didn’t hear me with his earphones in but saw me after I stepped in to grab my ticket and grabbed the first thing he could find to cover up. Both never said anything about it but I also never said anything about the times they caught me. Guess my advice would be to make sure you lock the door before you stroke your meat!
Man that's crazy. Who's bigger, you, your father or your brother?
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Caught my dad one time jerking off. He was breathing heavy and grunting so I thought something was wrong. Turns out he was just going at it hard. I stared at it for longer than I should have lol
Damn, that must have been awkward. Did he have a big one?
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Once you get to the point of no return you don’t care who is watching lol
I had sargents in the Army come in just moments before I busy and I had dad walk in multiple times and once my grandpa and twice by Uncle Matt.
I had sargents in the Army come in just moments before I busy and I had dad walk in multiple times and once my grandpa and twice by Uncle Matt.
It’s actually a turn on getting seen or caught.
I have set it up at home so I got caught with my cock in my hand
I’ve walked in on my younger brother masturbating a few times. Once in our sauna at the house when we were younger, parents were out so guess he took advantage :joy: I had been busy in the house whilst he was in the sauna. I decided to join him once I’d finished. Walked in and he’s sitting naked, erection in hand. I looked at him and then just sat down and gave him some privacy by sitting further away. He ended up cumming on himself. I laughed to myself when he let out his usual groan (you know when you share a bedroom exactly whats going on). The other times were whilst sharing a bedroom.

I’ve also walked in on my cousin naked and humping his bed whilst staying over at his house.

The boys in my family are horny :joy:
More than once I went to the old longdrop for a morning wank and found one of the farm hands going for it. The first time it happened I apologised and had turned away when the farmhand- he would have been 22 said "No worries, take the other seat" I was embarrased but horn as, so I sat on the other seat in silence and wanked while we both watched the bull sniffing and mounting the cows.
He finished on a wad of paper, pulled his pants up and disappeared with a casual "Later". I kept watching until the bull finished fucking one of the cows- seeing his big cock unsheathed with strings of fluid dripping off, along with the cow's swollen wet cunt triggered me instantly.
I’ve walked in on multiple occasions on my brother in law stroking his meat. We all use to live under the same roof. They had the bottom room with the bathroom next to the basement. So anytime you went into the basement you could hear what was going on in their side of the house. So I go do downstairs to do some laundry and I hear the water running for a long time. That caught my attention because most times he takes super quick showers. So I turn to their bathroom and theirs a slight gap in between the door where you can see inside clearly. As soon as I look in there he is on the floor stroking his long meat. The faces he made and the moaning was so hot. He went fast than slow even saw his toes curl. Got to see his cum shot it was great. Great experience would see it again.
My nephew was staying with me for a month last summer while he interned in the city and took a course at the local city college.

He told me one evening he had a project that involved doing some video editing. He knew I did video editing myself and had software on the computer in my room, so he asked if he could use it.

I gave my go ahead. I told him I was meeting my gf at the gym and then we'd be going out to dinner; he'd have the run of the place to himself for probably 3 - 4 hours.

Long story short, gf didn't meet me at the gym. I ended up coming straight home from my workout.

I live in a classic Philly row house. My master suite is the 3rd floor of the house. As I turn the corner at the top of the stairs and walk into what is a long dark foyer leading to my bedroom, I see my nephew sitting at my desk shirtless leaning back in the chair, holding the waistband of his boxers down just below his balls with one hand while feverishly stroking his cock with the other.

I stopped dead in my tracks and just watched for a minute.

I thought for sure he'd see me in his peripheral at any second, but he was so focused on whatever he was watching on my computer and had his gaming headphones on that I don't think he would have noticed me until I walked up and put my hand on his shoulder.... which I contemplated. But, I didn't want to embarrass the kid, so I opted to quietly walk the other direction into my bathroom. I turned on the shower and hopped in. When I got out of the shower, the boy had gone downstairs.

2 - 3 months go by and I get a call from my brother that he's going to swing by my house. This is a rare occasion so I already know something is up, but I have no idea what the visit could be about.

My brother walks into my house, hands me a thumb drive and says "This is yours."

"Um... no, I don't think so..."

"Maybe not the drive, but it's content."

He went on to explain that his youngest recently received a 2-day in-school suspension for distributing (sharing) explicit videos and images with some of the other boys on his high school soccer team. Apparently, it was a gag involving airdropping content to people's unsecured phones... and this happened during lunch on school property... so it was an issue.

My brother (being super conservative) has their home computers and kid's devices on all kinds of lockdown / monitoring, so he pressed the boy to explain to him where the videos came from.

As it turned out, I'm not the only one who has walked-in on my eldest nephew playing choke the chicken. When the youngest caught his older brother jacking off while watching "porn," he promised his brother to keep it a secret if he shared the "porn" with him.

This information, of course, led my brother to check the laptop of his eldest son. There he found over 200 of my "home" videos and photos.

Apparently, the time I walked in on my nephew... I hadn't interrupted him jerking it to just any internet porn... he was jerking it my stash of personal nudes and sex videos. I thought I had cleverly concealed their existence on my computer by saving them in my "Taxes" folder under "I-69s" :joy:, but I guess as soon as he opened the video editing software on my computer, my content was there for his viewing.

I was more than a little surprised the kid found videos of his uncle so intriguing that he'd save them for his own recreational purposes.. and so was my brother.

According to my brother, the youngest had no idea the content he was sharing was mine and said he wanted to keep it that way. He said he's continuing to talk to his eldest about this "disturbing behavior," but I told him it was probably just pure curiosity. Chalk it up to years of living under a tightly managed conservative household.

We agreed to never talk about it again.

I asked my brother if he watched any of it. He said just enough to know exactly what he was looking at, and it didn't take him long. He laughed and called me "depraved." I laughed and told him, I'm glad to give him pointers anytime. He didn't laugh. Schmuck.

Anyhow, while I agreed with my brother that he and I never needed to talk about the incident again... I think I'm going to talk about it with my nephew just b/c I don't think he really has anyone to talk with sex stuff about and I want him to know he doesn't have to be ashamed.
Did you ever bring it up to him?
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