Photo Historical Photos

Tuskegee Airmen at a briefing in Italy in 1945. The squad of all African American pilots was formed in 1941 after extensive lobbying for funding by the press and civil rights organizations. Prior to 1941 African American men were barred from flying for the U.S. military. The pressure resulted in the formation of an all African-American pursuit squadron based in Tuskegee, Alabama, in 1941.

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Luther Sage Kelly aka Yellowstone Kelly, 1849-1928. Well educated, expert rifleman, trapper & hunter. Scout for the US Army in Yellowstone river area. Guided 2 expeditions into Alaska plus other major government expeditions.

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Maurice Barrymore, ne Herbert Arthur Chamberlayne Blythe, stage actor and patriarch of the acting Barrymore family - father of Lionel, John and Ethel. Cabinet card and cigarette card (S.F. Hess & Co.'s Cigarettes), c. 1915

Thanks lot for your many awesome pics, you please our eyes so often, dear. You are really fantastic! THANK YOU!

Thank you very much and you are also very welcome! As in the other threads, I post what I find appealing and hope others enjoy them too.