Hopefully the definitive mandingo length analysis

Great us average guys are gonna now be looking at our ladies' hand clinched around our johnsons and instead of enjoying it, we will be thinking...2.91 inches...and how much more is showing after that...thnx a lot!

I'm 7.2 inches erect, I have had females put two solid hands on my dick and not much is left, in some cases part the glans remaining. It's hilarious how anyone can think Mandingo is 8.7. He has 3 hands on his dick and his entire glans remaining in the pictures below. How can all that add up to 8.7 inches lol.

This is a 3 and half handed penis below of Mandingo. Average female hand width is 2.91 inches. Sdp seems to think that the female hand width will be less than this. Unlikely in all cases, but even if this is true. Unlikely to be less than 2.7 in this case with Riley Reid.

2. 7 x 3 = 8. 1 and that is just the shaft, and there is even a gap between one of her hands, so even this is downplaying.

Last time I checked an average glans width was around 1.5 inches long according to surveys. But Mandingo has large glans, so even this is downplaying.

8.1 + 1.5 = 9.6 inches minimum of the photographs below.


What I see in the above photographs from hand size and other factors is a 10 inch erect penis.

Sdp and his friends see an 8.7 inch penis those two pics above :rolleyes: Really?

In reality Mandingo has a solid 10 inch penis when he is at his best (this is confirmed by various people who have seen him perform on set). He is one of the only pornstars in mainstream porn that has from a standing position three solid hands on his penis and still a little visible length remaining.

And yes it is possible to cherry pick photographs where only two hands are on his dick (I showed some of these myself), but we should look at all of the evidence, not just the negative.

Take out a 12 inch wooden ruler and put 3 solid hands on it. This is more than 8.7 inches. There is absolutely no way 3 and a half hands of Riley Reid can be crammed into 8.7 inches. Impossible. Sdp says he is 8.5 inches, then get a female and show us how many hands on your erect penis. Not as many as Mandingo.

If people want to believe on this thread Mandingo is 8.7 to make themselves feel better, then good for you. This is a very interesting debate but I am not going to waste anymore of my time arguing about 1.3 inch difference. But like I said before there are people on LPSG who have been measured over 9 inches, they all accept Mandingo is slightly longer than themselves.

Is it such a crime to admit Mandingo is 9.5 - 10 inches long? Why is this so controversial? And why is the 8.7 claim so important to a minority of sdp friends here?

Imagine contacting Mandingo on twitter and telling him he is 8.71 inches erect. I am sure there would be some laughs ;)
Care to elaborate on what's subjective about my methodology?

You do not know the size of these women's hands but you seem to think you do.

You are downplaying the size of the female hand width size. By default you should accept they are 2.91 inches long, because that is the confirmed average. But you do not do this. You make up excuses for putting these women's hands shorter than they actually are.

You also refuse to show or use a picture of a female porn actress with two hands on Mandingo's penis, because the average would go up on your results. You are also cherry-picking photographs where he does not look as big. There are many fallacies. There is nothing objective about what you are doing.

lol no way.

Steve Holmes is 7.5 inches. He openly admitted this after someone questioned him on this:


He found the idea funny that he had a 15" cock, and he admitted to being 7.5 inches long. Why would he admit to being 7.5 if he isnt? Why didn't he say 9? Because he is honest and I respect that.

Steve Holmes did not dispute the 10 inch claim for Mandingo. He could have but he didn't. He is a realist.

And you are flat out fooling yourself if you think Steve is under 7.5 inches.



He looks about the same size as you sdp. :)
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This is a 3 and half handed penis below of Mandingo.

OK, first you can't just copy-paste hands like that without taking the perspective into account. Notice how the hand you pasted at the base looks smaller than the original even though it's the same actual size in pixels?
That's perspective for you. If she actually put her hand at the base it would appear much bigger than that, bigger even than the other hand that's in the middle of the shaft. Hence no, there isn't room for 3 hands on the shaft.

Then why the need for an arbitrary figure for the "average glans width"? Why not simply take the hand that's in the middle (not the other one! because again, perspective), count the pixels for its width, then count the pixels for the cock and do the math? Sounds much more accurate, doesn't it?

But wait: we can't just measure the hand at any point, but where it crosses the line that goes from the middle of the top of the base to the tip, because as you know, that's where penis length is to be measured.

Now, assuming the girl has average hands because we have no other choice, how can we have an idea of the width of her hand at that particular point?
That's where the "my hand/her hand" comes into play. I wish I had an average female hand at my disposal but I don't, so I use my own hand and the average female hand breadth as references.
Unless males and females have ridiculously different hand proportions, that makes sense, doesn't it?

But I can't just measure my hand any which way! I have to take into account the depth difference between the hand and the cock.
Not doing it would short-change him, because the hand appears bigger than it would if exactly flush with the top of the cock. So I have to figure out how big my hand would look on the cock in 2D under the same circumstances.

To do all of that, I put my hand in the exact same position as hers on a graduated cardboard tube, then I look from about the same distance as the camera with one eye closed and I read how my hand projects on the tube's graduations.

Sounds pretty reliable and accurate to me. At this point the only unknown is of course the actual hand size of the girls: we have to assume they're average, and that's why a great number of estimations must be done, so the differences in actual hand sizes do average out in the long run.

BTW while it's extremely likely that most of the girls actually have smaller than average hands, we can't be sure that Mandingo is at his best in every pic, so this cancels that out, more or less.

Now goldzilla look, I made an effort to break it down in the simplest terms I could. Is there still something you don't get? Is there any flaw you wish to point out, using rational arguments?
If not, please stop spamming this thread with your BS.

Like I said before there are people on LPSG who have been measured over 9 inches

Like I said before there aren't.

Steve Holmes is 7.5 inches.

Certainly doesn't look like 7.5" to me. And I really hope you realize that the pics on that DVD cover are shopped.


Pic 185a

My hand: 54mm
Her hand: 43.9mm, 69px
Penis: 345px, 219.5mm (8.64")

Average of results so far: 8.72"

Pic 185a.jpg
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Mandingo is 10 inches long. Look at his own hands:





There is too much shaft on his dick for him to be 8.7 inches long. Average hand width is 3.3 inches on a man. Yet his hands are not even on his glans there, only parts on the shaft.

You see his shaft there with his hand on it in 3 different positions. No 8" range dick is this possible for. Look on a ruler. It is utter delusion to be claiming Mandingo is 8.7 inches erect.

In last photo again, that's just over a 3 handed penis. Apparently 3 hands on a female adds up to 8.7.
Certainly doesn't look like 7.5" to me. And I really hope you realize that the pics on that DVD cover are shopped.

Steve Holmes how big do you think he is then? His dick is huge. Please don't say 6.5 inches lol.

Like I said before there aren't.

These are both bone pressed over 9 inches:



Non bone-pressed they still be more than 8.7.

Do you honestly think these guys are bigger than Mandingo? Look on the ruler where 8.7 is, that's what size you are claiming Mandingo's dick is. Anyone can see he longer.
Lets all look at what an 8 inch penis looks like, and bear in mind how a hand on one would look and how much space it would take on the shaft:


Note his hand on shaft. Compared to, Mandingo fully erect:


Does that look 0.7 inches longer than the guy above? :rolleyes:

I believe Mandingo is 10 inches long. Your methodology is downplaying too much and does not convince me. I show above a more simple method. :)


You see his shaft there with his hand on it in 3 different positions. No 8" range dick is this possible for.

There we have it. If you're able to place your hand in 3 different positions, you're the lucky owner of a 10" cock.

You're delusional if you doubt it, so guys go ahead and place your hand in 3 different positions and voilà...
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Now, assuming the girl has average hands because we have no other choice, how can we have an idea of the width of her hand at that particular point?
That's where the "my hand/her hand" comes into play.

Nope this is wrong... at all times no matter which point the average hand width 2.9 inches for a female should be used in your studies. Putting under this is not fair because unknown factors may well be at play, all you are doing is looking at 2d photographs, you have to make room for error that is why the average should be used and nothing below this. This is why your average is so low. Your pasting photographs in of a 9.5-10 inch penis of Mandingo but claiming some of them are 8.4 or 8.68. It blatant wrong pal, lol.

I give up on this... you have made your mind up. Downplaying is your game, I get it. Nothing will convince you to the contrary. Let's end this debate now. There are better things to be doing.
There we have it. If you're able to place your hand in 3 different positions, you're the lucky owner of a 10" cock.

You're delusional if you doubt it, so guys go ahead and place your hand in 3 different positions and voilà...

3 totally different positions that are visibly clear... without touching the glans... no man with an 8.7 inch penis can do this. See above I showed a pic of an 8 inch penis. He can fit 3 hands on his shaft? No.

He is 10 inches, get over it. :) Time to move on now. Not every penis in the world is under 9 inches.
3 totally different positions that are visibly clear... without touching the glans... no man with an 8.7 inch penis can do this. See above I showed a pic of an 8 inch penis. He can fit 3 hands on his shaft? No.

He is 10 inches, get over it. :) Time to move on now. Not every penis in the world is under 9 inches.

  • Luckily not every cock is under 9". I'm extremely happy some are longer - no complaints on my side.
  • Every man - no matter his size can hold his cock in at least 3 different positions. There's no argument on your behalf. The three pictures you posted of Mandingo was him holding at the base, at the head and somewhere in between - supposed to prove what exactly? His ability to hold his cock in different positions???
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SDP how big do you think jack napier,boz,mr.biggz,flash brown,danny d really are ????? alll between 8-8.5 iches nbp???
OK, I'm done feeding the troll. Funny though how he says he gives up then goes back at it 4 minutes later.

SDP how big do you think jack napier,boz,mr.biggz,flash brown,danny d really are ????? alll between 8-8.5 iches nbp???

I'm not really familiar with those guys but it's pretty clear to me that none of them hit 8.5".


Pic 186a

My hand: 57mm
Her hand: 46.4mm, 68px
Penis: 323px, 220.4mm (8.68")

Average of results so far: 8.72"

Pic 186a.jpg
OK, I'm done feeding the troll. Funny though how he says he gives up then goes back at it 4 minutes later.

I'm not really familiar with those guys but it's pretty clear to me that none of them hit 8.5".


Pic 186a

My hand: 57mm
Her hand: 46.4mm, 68px
Penis: 323px, 220.4mm (8.68")

Average of results so far: 8.72"

View attachment 598994

The only trolling here is yourself, why do you think so little users here respond to this thread. You are pasting in 9.5-10 inch penis pictures of Mandingo and claiming they are 8.68 inches based on your own subjective hand methodology. It's a joke pal.

Claiming Steve Holmes is under 7.5 that's also a joke. He is the same size as you.

As for your own dick:


It is nowhere near the same size as Mandingo


He is 10 inches long.

And if you want to prove you are the same size as Mandingo show us 3 solid hands on your penis in different positions without touching the glans like Mandingo can as shown in my previous post. Anyone can see that Mandingo's shaft is way longer than yours. Yet you claim he is only 0.2 inches longer than you. lol.

But continue with your downplaying. Whatever makes you feel better at night.
The only trolling here is yourself, why do you think so little users here respond to this thread. You are pasting in 9.5-10 inch penis pictures of Mandingo and claiming they are 8.68 inches based on your own subjective hand methodology. It's a joke pal.

Claiming Steve Holmes is under 7.5 that's also a joke. He is the same size as you.

As for your own dick:

View attachment 599004

It is nowhere near the same size as Mandingo

View attachment 599005

He is 10 inches long.

And if you want to prove you are the same size as Mandingo show us 3 solid hands on your penis in different positions without touching the glans like Mandingo can as shown in my previous post. Anyone can see that Mandingo's shaft is way longer than yours. Yet you claim he is only 0.2 inches longer than you. lol.

But continue with your downplaying. Whatever makes you feel better at night.

Seriously. Enough.

You have displayed absolutely nothing but a complete lack of fundamental reasoning. All you do is obsess and troll. Then repeat again. Even when people concisely point out your flawed thinking. I'm pretty sure he's done with you. This thread is not the place for your bitching, moaning and personal issues. Go away.
I'm not really familiar with those guys but it's pretty clear to me that none of them hit 8.5".

Lol you are the worst downplayer on this board sdp. Jack Napier would not hit 8.5?




How would he not hit 8.5?

He has a solid 9 inches. Why do you want to downplay these 9" pornstars so much? To make your own dick feel bigger?

As for Mr Biggz he would hit 9 inches, he is not far off Mandingo:


But it is pretty 'clear' to you he wouldn't hit 8.5? Lol. Your agenda is to downplay every pornstar. I can no longer take anything you say seriously. You have lost any credibility whatsoever. Blocked.
jack was measured at 9 inches from his thigh and the photo you posted of sdp is an old photo he has enlarged his cock to over 9.5 bp ;)
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Lol you are the worst downplayer on this board sdp. Jack Napier would not hit 8.5?




How would he not hit 8.5?

He has a solid 9 inches. Why do you want to downplay these 9" pornstars so much? To make your own dick feel bigger?

As for Mr Biggz he would hit 9 inches, he is not far off Mandingo:

View attachment 599007

But it is pretty 'clear' to you he wouldn't hit 8.5? Lol. Your agenda is to downplay every pornstar. I can no longer take anything you say seriously. You have lost any credibility whatsoever. Blocked.
LOL, can't recall who just pointed out the obsession with 9 inches. Actually funny how it seem important that everyone mentioned has to be 9 inches, or even a 'solid 9 inches'.

Nicely spotted.
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LOL, can't recall who just pointed out the obsession with 9 inches. Actually funny how it seem important that everyone mentioned has to be 9 inches, or even a 'solid 9 inches'.

Nicely spotted.


Steve Holmes is 7.5 inches.

Jack Napier was measured at 9 inches.

I said Shane Diesel was 8-8.25 inches.

I said Mandingo was 10 inches.

sdp thinks every pornstar is under 8.7 inches. His obsession is claiming none of these big dick pornstars can hit 8.5" on a ruler. That is a joke. Mr. Biggz for example is clearly longer than 8.5.

Sdp claims to be 8.5 inches. Yet Jack Napier is longer than him, as is Mr. Biggz and Mandingo.
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jack was measured at 9 inches from his thigh and the photo you posted of sdp is an old photo he has enlarged his cock to over 9.5 bp ;)

Jack Napier wasn't fully erect in that measurement. He is better erect here:


He is not under 8.5 inches like sdp claims.

And here he is with Mandingo:



So Mandingo is 8.7 inches according to sdp, and Jack Napier is under 8.5 inches erect. :rolleyes:

His thread does have comedy value I give it that. :)