Hopefully the definitive mandingo length analysis

Alright, it seems that sophistry is still running amok in these threads. Let me chime in once more because this is getting old.

If one desires to be rational and logical, one cannot operate under the assumption that negative assertions require rebuttals. For example, we cannot operate under the belief that sdp is guilty of theft before the belief that he is innocent. By that logic, we are assuming his guilt before the evidence is presented. That is called poisoning the well. It isn't really rational behaviour. We first assume that he is innocent of a crime. Then, we provide the evidence and show, beyond reasonable doubt, that sdp is guilty of theft.

Sophists in this thread are asking us to prove that the Russel's Teapot is blue, and not actually red. What they do not understand is that this assertion still relies upon the existence of the teapot to begin with. For those that aren't familiar, Bertrand Russel made a bold, but fallacious, claim that there existed a teapot in the Earth's orbit somewhere. The fact that nobody could prove him wrong meant that the existence of the teapot was verified. But that's still operating under the assumption that the teapot exists, ergo one must first prove to him that it doesn't exist. That's not how the burden of proof operates. Russel must first prove that it exists.

Now let's extend this logic to this thread. First off, we CANNOT assert, and then ask of others to refute, that pornstar 'x' has 'y' length, because this is assuming that they actually DO have this length to begin with, and that they must be proven wrong. You can't make that assertion without providing your proof first. Now, do I think sdp is unbiased/objective? Well, he has a penis, so no. There will always be comparison. But the amount of times he replicated his results does remove this margin of error. Unless you can provide superior evidence and show that his evidence/methodology is flawed USING SUPERIOR EVIDENCE, then you cannot claim that he has no standing. Right now, he's got the best standing of us all. Like I said, I think the bigger guys are in the late 8 inch ranges, touching nine. Some perhaps going a little above nine when measured very favourably. I have noticed that when if you stand up straight and bend your penis downwards, you get longer measurements. Start at your pubic bone and stand up to measure, you will amaze yourself how long you can actually get. At least half an inch increase, at least for me.

Once again, sophists like Goldzilla do not present superior evidence. Only hearsay and eye-balling. No replication of measurements, going off of one image that boosts their narrative. If sdp just showed me one image and said "welp, that's the size, pack it up guys I found a good angle that made him look bigger/smaller than he actually is", I would be much more skeptical. His measurement right now isn't a standard, absolute measurement, but a compilation of all others. If you actually pay attention to his posts, he shows that he sometimes measures him at closer to nine, sometimes closer to eight. This is only logical, for the following reasons. One: it is the porn industry and it is in their financial interests to remain mysterious regarding lengths. These are the same guys who make 10-11 inch, even footlong inch claims. If you take their claims at face-value, you aren't really making a good case for being rational. I will trust sdp's bias over some porno company's bias any day. If you just find one measurement they gave you and go off of that, you aren't making a good case for being cynical, and in these matters, it is a good thing to be a cynic.
Second, as I mentioned earlier: sdp uses tiny measurements, i.e. pixels. The porno industry won't give us a legitimate measurement, so that is the next best thing. Goldzilla and other sophists use massive units for measurement, and comparison measurements. Using cups and tubes of toilet paper aren't great methods of measuring an object. The tinier the unit, the more accurate. "Which do you think is more accurate: the size of a hand or the size of a pixel? To elaborate, let me put forth another question. What is the best tool to use in order to measure a relatively average (relative to your body) object: an aluminum can or a piano? You know both objects do not change dimensions, but which is superior? The answer is the aluminum can, because it is a smaller unit of measurement. It can be more accurate. The length of the object can be 6 cans long, as opposed to one-sixteenth the length of a piano. When considering our situation, we cannot get to a one-sixteenth length (if we could, we would just use a ruler), so the pixel measurement is superior over the eye-balling hand measurement.
Then you claim that sdp's measurement is subjective, which means that he manipulated the results in order to make it seem smaller than it is. If so, prove it. Put forth your own evidence to trump his, otherwise you have no standing to refute others on."

Standing next to tiny girls, having a small body frame yourself, manipulating camera angles (i.e. fisheye), unfair measuring tactics (bending down penis to make it seem longer) will all make it seem like every second guy walking down the street has a foot of penis, but that is not how things operate in reality. sdp made a claim and provided his evidence. He clearly outlined his methodology. If he was really biased, then why did he give, in some scenes, a larger measurement, over 9?
Now, forget all of this. Let's return to the original point: the fallacy of shifting the burden of proof. sdp makes the claim, provides evidence. He isn't saying that the teapot is blue, he is guiding us to a telescope and letting us see for ourselves. You cannot, now, ask for him to prove that the teapot is actually red. You need to present superior evidence to trump his. You need to show that sdp is manipulating the lens of the telescope, and that it actually IS red. If you can do that, I am on your side. Emphasis on SUPERIOR EVIDENCE, not eye-balling measurements and using comparisons. If you claim that the truth is so overt and obvious, you should be able to show his length without resorting to side-by-side comparisons. Like I said earlier: Why do you rely on comparison as opposed to outright measurements of the case-in-point? If the result is SO obvious and overt, why not just prove the length from the case-in-point, as opposed to resorting to other people? That is the equivalent of measuring a length with your hand and then moving over to the object you wish to compare it to while trying to hold your hand still (so as to maintain the original measurement). It isn't very accurate, why not just measure the object-in-question upfront? Goldzilla's frame-of-reference resorts to the same reasoning. If you claim the truth is on your side, just prove it with the measurement as it is.
Alright, it seems that sophistry is still running amok in these threads. Let me chime in once more because this is getting old.

If one desires to be rational and logical, one cannot operate under the assumption that negative assertions require rebuttals. For example, we cannot operate under the belief that sdp is guilty of theft before the belief that he is innocent. By that logic, we are assuming his guilt before the evidence is presented. That is called poisoning the well. It isn't really rational behaviour. We first assume that he is innocent of a crime. Then, we provide the evidence and show, beyond reasonable doubt, that sdp is guilty of theft.

Sophists in this thread are asking us to prove that the Russel's Teapot is blue, and not actually red. What they do not understand is that this assertion still relies upon the existence of the teapot to begin with. For those that aren't familiar, Bertrand Russel made a bold, but fallacious, claim that there existed a teapot in the Earth's orbit somewhere. The fact that nobody could prove him wrong meant that the existence of the teapot was verified. But that's still operating under the assumption that the teapot exists, ergo one must first prove to him that it doesn't exist. That's not how the burden of proof operates. Russel must first prove that it exists.

Now let's extend this logic to this thread. First off, we CANNOT assert, and then ask of others to refute, that pornstar 'x' has 'y' length, because this is assuming that they actually DO have this length to begin with, and that they must be proven wrong. You can't make that assertion without providing your proof first. Now, do I think sdp is unbiased/objective? Well, he has a penis, so no. There will always be comparison. But the amount of times he replicated his results does remove this margin of error. Unless you can provide superior evidence and show that his evidence/methodology is flawed USING SUPERIOR EVIDENCE, then you cannot claim that he has no standing. Right now, he's got the best standing of us all. Like I said, I think the bigger guys are in the late 8 inch ranges, touching nine. Some perhaps going a little above nine when measured very favourably. I have noticed that when if you stand up straight and bend your penis downwards, you get longer measurements. Start at your pubic bone and stand up to measure, you will amaze yourself how long you can actually get. At least half an inch increase, at least for me.

Once again, sophists like Goldzilla do not present superior evidence. Only hearsay and eye-balling. No replication of measurements, going off of one image that boosts their narrative. If sdp just showed me one image and said "welp, that's the size, pack it up guys I found a good angle that made him look bigger/smaller than he actually is", I would be much more skeptical. His measurement right now isn't a standard, absolute measurement, but a compilation of all others. If you actually pay attention to his posts, he shows that he sometimes measures him at closer to nine, sometimes closer to eight. This is only logical, for the following reasons. One: it is the porn industry and it is in their financial interests to remain mysterious regarding lengths. These are the same guys who make 10-11 inch, even footlong inch claims. If you take their claims at face-value, you aren't really making a good case for being rational. I will trust sdp's bias over some porno company's bias any day. If you just find one measurement they gave you and go off of that, you aren't making a good case for being cynical, and in these matters, it is a good thing to be a cynic.
Second, as I mentioned earlier: sdp uses tiny measurements, i.e. pixels. The porno industry won't give us a legitimate measurement, so that is the next best thing. Goldzilla and other sophists use massive units for measurement, and comparison measurements. Using cups and tubes of toilet paper aren't great methods of measuring an object. The tinier the unit, the more accurate. "Which do you think is more accurate: the size of a hand or the size of a pixel? To elaborate, let me put forth another question. What is the best tool to use in order to measure a relatively average (relative to your body) object: an aluminum can or a piano? You know both objects do not change dimensions, but which is superior? The answer is the aluminum can, because it is a smaller unit of measurement. It can be more accurate. The length of the object can be 6 cans long, as opposed to one-sixteenth the length of a piano. When considering our situation, we cannot get to a one-sixteenth length (if we could, we would just use a ruler), so the pixel measurement is superior over the eye-balling hand measurement.
Then you claim that sdp's measurement is subjective, which means that he manipulated the results in order to make it seem smaller than it is. If so, prove it. Put forth your own evidence to trump his, otherwise you have no standing to refute others on."

Standing next to tiny girls, having a small body frame yourself, manipulating camera angles (i.e. fisheye), unfair measuring tactics (bending down penis to make it seem longer) will all make it seem like every second guy walking down the street has a foot of penis, but that is not how things operate in reality. sdp made a claim and provided his evidence. He clearly outlined his methodology. If he was really biased, then why did he give, in some scenes, a larger measurement, over 9?
Now, forget all of this. Let's return to the original point: the fallacy of shifting the burden of proof. sdp makes the claim, provides evidence. He isn't saying that the teapot is blue, he is guiding us to a telescope and letting us see for ourselves. You cannot, now, ask for him to prove that the teapot is actually red. You need to present superior evidence to trump his. You need to show that sdp is manipulating the lens of the telescope, and that it actually IS red. If you can do that, I am on your side. Emphasis on SUPERIOR EVIDENCE, not eye-balling measurements and using comparisons. If you claim that the truth is so overt and obvious, you should be able to show his length without resorting to side-by-side comparisons. Like I said earlier: Why do you rely on comparison as opposed to outright measurements of the case-in-point? If the result is SO obvious and overt, why not just prove the length from the case-in-point, as opposed to resorting to other people? That is the equivalent of measuring a length with your hand and then moving over to the object you wish to compare it to while trying to hold your hand still (so as to maintain the original measurement). It isn't very accurate, why not just measure the object-in-question upfront? Goldzilla's frame-of-reference resorts to the same reasoning. If you claim the truth is on your side, just prove it with the measurement as it is.

Mandingo has never been measured with a ruler or tape in a scene so comparison, eye-balling or the barbie doll is all we have for reference to me. I am afraid I am not convinced by the hand stuff any longer but these forearms measurements are more interesting.


Tell me what do you see in the above photograph. Do you see an 8.7 inch penis? I am unconvinced how her entire forearm can be 8.7 inches. Can you explain to me why you think it would be? How am I going wrong here?

Pull out a ruler right now and look where 8.7 is, yes it is big. But can you cram an entire forearm into 8.7? This woman isn't exactly that short for a female. She is 5ft5 or 6 according to several websites. That is bigger than average. Her forearm is more likely to be 10" long.

The reply back will that I am eye-balling, the dick is 'slightly' under the penis or there is a fish-eye lens in use. It isn't really. It's completely flush and parallel with his dick. Just face it. He has an entire forearm size dick in the above photograph. Girls name is Abigaile Johnson by the way.

Is this women's entire forearm 8.7 inches? I will stick with my 10" claim for Mandingo.

I will retract my claims if proven wrong. I have accepted being wrong in the past, I just have a hard time believing he is 8.7 long.

Apparently I am doing a fallacy of 'eye-balling', but I would appreciate if you would answer my questions:

1. What size is Mandingo dick in the above photograph?
2. Is her entire forearm really 8.7 long?
Mandingo has never been measured with a ruler or tape in a scene so comparison, eye-balling or the barbie doll is all we have for reference to me. I am afraid I am not convinced by the hand stuff any longer but these forearms measurements are more interesting.


Tell me what do you see in the above photograph. Do you see an 8.7 inch penis? I am unconvinced how her entire forearm can be 8.7 inches. Can you explain to me why you think it would be? How am I going wrong here?

Pull out a ruler right now and look where 8.7 is, yes it is big. But can you cram an entire forearm into 8.7? This woman isn't exactly that short for a female. She is 5ft5 or 6 according to several websites. That is bigger than average. Her forearm is more likely to be 10" long.

The reply back will that I am eye-balling, the dick is 'slightly' under the penis or there is a fish-eye lens in use. It isn't really. It's completely flush and parallel with his dick. Just face it. He has an entire forearm size dick in the above photograph. Girls name is Abigaile Johnson by the way.

Is this women's entire forearm 8.7 inches? I will stick with my 10" claim for Mandingo.

I will retract my claims if proven wrong. I have accepted being wrong in the past, I just have a hard time believing he is 8.7 long.

Apparently I am doing a fallacy of 'eye-balling', but I would appreciate if you would answer my questions:

1. What size is Mandingo dick in the above photograph?
2. Is her entire forearm really 8.7 long?

"Mandingo has never been measured with a ruler or tape in a scene so comparison, eye-balling or the barbie doll is all we have for reference to me."
You just admitted the shortcoming of your methodology. What about sdp's original post outlining his process do you disagree with, and why? In what way is your methodology more accurate, why should I believe your measurements? Where is your process? Do you replicate your results to remove bias/margin of error? You need to trump sdp's measurements.

"I am afraid I am not convinced by the hand stuff any longer but these forearms measurements are more interesting."
It isn't a matter of interest, it is a matter of evidence and its merit. On what grounds are you "not convinced"? What about his methodology is incorrect? You can't just point at the result and say wrong, where did he go wrong? Why? How do you improve upon him?

"Tell me what do you see in the above photograph."
It isn't my job to tell you the measurement. You need to tell me the measurement. How tall is the girl? We need some standard of reference and we need to take into account angles.

"Do you see an 8.7 inch penis?"
Again with this misconception. sdp's average size result was 8.7. He measured him to be over nine in many images. You using one image isn't really replicating your results, or making a good case. What I see is a larger-than-average penis, most likely around nine. But I don't have good methodology, I'm just eye-balling it.

"I am unconvinced how her entire forearm can be 8.7 inches. Can you explain to me why you think it would be? How am I going wrong here? "
Well, how long is her forearm? What is the reference frame? You can't just hold something next to something else and tell me it looks big/small, we need a standard reference frame.

"But can you cram an entire forearm into 8.7?"
That isn't my job to answer that, it's yours. If you want to make the case that he is over nine, or ten, or however many inches, establish a standard of reference. How tall is she? From that, we can get a good idea of the average forearm length for females her height. The most accurate answer is to ask her for a measurement. However, this still relies on an indirect measurement, which is not as accurate a process as sdp's method. I asked you to provide me with a reason why his process is incorrect. He measured above nine inches in many images, and below nine inches in others. This shows that there is not consistency in images in porno shoots, so how can you just use only one image to make an assertion?

"Just face it. He has an entire forearm size dick in the above photograph."
Well, you haven't really proved anything. You used one image and didn't provide any measurements, you didn't break out a ruler, outline your process, replicate your results: nothing. You just operated off of: well, that can't possibly be the truth because I don't believe in it. That is not an argument. Nobody believed Copernicus, either. Didn't really mean anything, though.

"I will retract my claims if proven wrong"
You have to prove something, first. Using one image isn't going to make your case. Replicate your results and show your case beyond reasonable doubt. Also, prove sdp wrong, use better evidence than he did. Improve upon his technique. Explain your process. You didn't do any of that, you just said it didn't convince you. That doesn't mean anything.

"Apparently I am doing a fallacy of 'eye-balling'"
Yes, you are.

"1. What size is Mandingo dick in the above photograph?
2. Is her entire forearm really 8.7 long?"
I don't know his size, I can only eye-ball it, like you. sdp put out his methodology, replicated his results many, many times, and made a good case for his argument, so I am inclined to believe its results, regardless of what my preconceived notions were. Frankly, I didn't really care, most of the really big ones are around 8-9, and that's good enough for me.
On the second point, you can't ask your audience to prove your case for you. You need to break out the ruler and prove your case. Galileo didn't ask his audience: hey guys, do you really think gravity isn't constant? It obviously applies to all objects at a constant rate, right guys?
He had to prove it first, just as you have to with your case.
As for that womens entire forearm in the picture she is taller than average. An average female is 5.4 ft, that women is listed as 5ft 5 or 6 according to several porn websites. Lets be ultra fair and say she is 5ft 6

I measured my girlfriends forearm the other night, she is 5ft 7 inches and her forearm is 10.5 inches. No way is that womens entire forearm, the whole thing 8.72 inches like sdps average of results suggests.
they lie about height in the industry mandingo is listed as 5ft 11" we know he is much shorter than that, i am 6ft1 " and my forearm is 11", anyway in the photo you posted he is shorter than her forearm which is on the lower side of the dick and the dick is also closer to the camera that's why it looks bigger, her hand looks huge because it's closer to the camera
they lie about height in the industry mandingo is listed as 5ft 11" we know he is much shorter than that, i am 6ft1 " and my forearm is 11", anyway in the photo you posted he is shorter than her forearm which is on the lower side of the dick and the dick is also closer to the camera that's why it looks bigger, her hand looks huge because it's closer to the camera

I will admit to be wrong via measurement like Shane Diesel if I can visibly see this, but I am having a hard time accepting sdps claims about Mandingo. The hand stuff is more trouble than it is worth. I would rather have a measurement with an object.

I guess we will have to wait until Mandingo is measured with a ruler or tape to fully solve this. Is this ever likely? He might retire in the next five years or so and he has never measured himself. I have scanned the internet and there isn't a single tape measurement for him yet almost every other pornstar has been measured.

Has anyone ever thought if contacting Mandingo on twitter and asking him to measure himself? Btw AVN Adult Extertainment Expo list him as 11 inches. Fabrication yes but better than the 14" Jules Jordan gives him.
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he said in an interview he never measured his cock and he don't know if it is 10,11 or 14" long :rolleyes:
i know it's not 100% accurate but comparing him with other pornstars like wesley, lex and boz can be a good way to estimate his size
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he said in an interview he never measured his cock and he don't know if it is 10,11 or 14" long :rolleyes:
i know it's not 100% accurate but comparing him with other pornstars like wesley, lex and boz can be a good way to estimate his size

See thread here:


I am going to get people to contact Mandingo via his twitter and ask him for measurement. The more people that ask the better.
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As for that womens entire forearm in the picture she is taller than average. An average female is 5.4 ft, that women is listed as 5ft 5 or 6 according to several porn websites. Lets be ultra fair and say she is 5ft 6

I measured my girlfriends forearm the other night, she is 5ft 7 inches and her forearm is 10.5 inches. No way is that womens entire forearm, the whole thing 8.72 inches like sdps average of results suggests.

Is your girlfriend the girl in the image? Why do you boast your claims so highly, but then completely fail to produce evidence that trumps sdp's? Like I said, you are measuring an object with your hand, then walking over to another object you wish to compare the first measurement to (all the while holding your hand as still as possible). There is a larger margin of error with your procedure than with sdp's.
Measure him outright with a rational unit. You don't use meters to measure your hand length, you use centimetres. Smaller units for small objects=better accuracy. This is not to say that larger units can't be more accurate, but when you get one-seventeenth of a meter for some object's length, you might as well have been using centimetres.
You are relying on hear-say and "well, that can't POSSIBLY be the case". Set up a standard of reference and use that as a start instead of literally eye-balling it. Use multiple images. If you can prove sdp wrong I will believe you.
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he is shorter than her forearm which is on the lower side of the dick and the dick is also closer to the camera that's why it looks bigger
Bingo. Only if she could remove her forearm, strip all the meat off of it, and place it on top of his dick while you were looking straight down, would it then be usable. Comparing to objects which are beside/below/skewed at angles,etc. is no different than when those things are done using rulers (probably even harder to notice). That forearm thing the porn companies love so much is probably about the worst system for a hundred different reasons.