Hopefully the definitive mandingo length analysis

And you're a flat out troll. It's funny.

Nope, the only trolling is to claim Mandingo is 8.7. It is downplaying to the extreme and not rational. Even other users have told you here he would hit 9 inches easily.

Sdp used to be entirely rational he posted in the past Mandingo was 9.5 or 10 inches, so did TinyPrincess.

I do not know what your long-term association with sdp is, or if you communicate with him off this website and you are his pal. But sdp isn't the biggest dick on LPSG and Mandingo is clearly longer than him.
i don't have anything against you but it's a very unfair comparison i think this is more fair

There are some users on this forum (can't mention names against policy) that say some of those pictures are photo-shopped. His measurement is more reliable. I believe he is 8.5 inches, not trying to take that from him he has a big one, but Mandingo is clearly longer.
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what i am saying is measurement pics can make the dick look smaller as well as some certain angles
see here is mandingo without camera tricks or flattering angles still huge but not 10" ;)


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ithinkurdumb your saying sdp might be able to hit 8.75 non bone pressed, if you believe that then your saying he is longer than Mandingo. This is wishful thinking.

Sdp has his own journal and he posted these pics on the main forum:


View attachment 609379

Apparently after PE, this is his cock now:

View attachment 609382

Video of him measuring here:



1. None of his measurements are entirely non-bone pressed. He always presses.
2. Even if his dick is a legit 8.5 inches now, you can still see Mandingo is longer.

Anyone can see Mandingo is longer than sdp, he has more visible length on the shaft:

View attachment 609383

View attachment 609388

Mandingo is more than 0.2 inches longer than sdp

You are flat out wrong. It's funny.
his dick looks very unimpressive in videos
everyone can see that guys like danny d and mandingo are bigger than him
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I don't care what you believe bro. You are no different than the other downplaying sock puppets that turn up here only to post on this single thread and support sdp. Mandingo isn't 8.7 inches, end of story.

View attachment 609112

View attachment 609113

Boz with Mandingo (still believe Mandingo is 8.7?)

View attachment 609115


8.7, really :rolleyes:

I measure an object as being 8 units long, then measure it again as 9 units long. The average is 8.5. This does nothing to alter the second reading of nine inches. If you're just looking at the average and going off of that, you are wearing your heart on your sleeve, whether you know it or not. You are showing to us all that you have not taken the time to read sdp's posts. He made over 100, but you seem so invested in this that one would expect you to at least entertain the argument he produced. Yet you did not, you choose to be lazy and just go off the the average. Read all of his posts, many of them agree with your narrative, many don't. I think a reason why you have been diverting my proposition to try the procedure yourself is because you haven't even read the introduction.

All you need is to present superior evidence, it is literally as simple as that. If you are so convinced that the truth is on your side, then it must be a cakewalk. So take a picture of him at an angle that can be measured without manipulative techniques and use a pixel calculator to get a measurement, after setting up a frame of reference. In short, just do what sdp did. Just do it and show us your results.

You know, there is some big crisis in academia right now, it's called a replication crises. For many experiments, the results cannot be replicated. There are many that have consistent results. You can always expect gravity to operate as it does. But if you can't replicate the results, then the experiment may very well have been a fluke. Let's say sdp's results WERE a fluke. If you want to prove him wrong, replicate his process and show the results.

I think it it clear from your prose that you aren't looking for an intellectual discussion, you are just here to bait for replies. Until you present your proofs, you have no standing to make any claims. Use sdp's method because it is much better than yours. I can do the same thing, just tag a picture and tell you to believe me when I say it HAS to be this arbitrary unit big. But that isn't an argument.
ithinkurdumb your saying sdp might be able to hit 8.75 non bone pressed, if you believe that then your saying he is longer than Mandingo. This is wishful thinking.

Sdp has his own journal and he posted these pics on the main forum:


View attachment 609379

Apparently after PE, this is his cock now:

View attachment 609382

Video of him measuring here:



1. None of his measurements are entirely non-bone pressed. He always presses.
2. Even if his dick is a legit 8.5 inches now, you can still see Mandingo is longer.

Anyone can see Mandingo is longer than sdp, he has more visible length on the shaft:

View attachment 609383

View attachment 609388

Mandingo is more than 0.2 inches longer than sdp

You are flat out wrong. It's funny.

Way to show that you don't have an agenda by attacking the character of the person instead of the argument.
"haha bro lol u have a tiny dick lol ur just jealous of big dick pornstars haha"
Here is your circular argument: this pornstar is "x" inches long. How do we know this, well he just is this many inches long.
Okay, let's see your proofs!
Well, here's an image or two. Looks big, right?
Well, how big?
Well, however big I want it to be, really. Anybody claims a length, I can just say it's bigger than that.
Well, are you refuting their results?
I don't have to, he is "x" inches long.

Start your argument anytime, we are all waiting for a response.
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Nope, the only trolling is to claim Mandingo is 8.7. It is downplaying to the extreme and not rational. Even other users have told you here he would hit 9 inches easily.

Sdp used to be entirely rational he posted in the past Mandingo was 9.5 or 10 inches, so did TinyPrincess.

I do not know what your long-term association with sdp is, or if you communicate with him off this website and you are his pal. But sdp isn't the biggest dick on LPSG and Mandingo is clearly longer than him.

I don't think you have any standing to judge what is rational or not after attacking the character over the argument, shifting the burden of proof, refusing to provide proof when confronted, and using circular arguments to bait responses out of people endlessly.
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Just saying this guy is 8.25 inches legit if he measured on top with that ruler


Just hard to believe Mandingo is about 0.4 inches longer than this guy.

And here is a 100% legit 8 inches


Common sense tells us Mandingo is longer. There is more than 0.7 inches on his shaft than these guys.
Just saying this guy is 8.25 inches legit if he measured on top with that ruler


Just hard to believe Mandingo is about 0.4 inches longer than this guy.

And here is a 100% legit 8 inches

View attachment 609574

Common sense tells us Mandingo is longer. There is more than 0.7 inches on his shaft than these guys.

Excellent, now use an image of mandingo with a frame of reference and use sdp's pixel measurement system. Then you have an argument. None of these guys are mandingo, in case you haven't noticed.
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Excellent, now use an image of mandingo with a frame of reference and use sdp's pixel measurement system. Then you have an argument. None of these guys are mandingo, in case you haven't noticed.

sdp has a video of himself with hands on his penis. I will compare it to mandingo and use his own method. Is this acceptable? I will attempt this tomorrow.

his dick looks very unimpressive in videos
everyone can see that guys like danny d and mandingo are bigger than him

sdp had 3 videos of himself sucking his own dick. His dick looked hardly bigger than average in those videos. I have noticed they have been deleted.

Here's video of sdp with hands on his penis:


Using sdps own method in the video above, Mandingo is longer than himself. So Mandingo is over 9 inches long. This will be attempted shortly.
sdp had 3 videos of himself sucking his own dick. His dick looked hardly bigger than average in those videos. I have noticed they have been deleted.

Here's video of sdp with hands on his penis:


Using sdps own method in the video above, Mandingo is longer than himself. So Mandingo is over 9 inches long. This will be attempted shortly.

We are not talking about sdp's penis. Use his methodology to prove how long mandingo is. Either do it or don't, stop stalling.

his dick looks very unimpressive in videos
everyone can see that guys like danny d and mandingo are bigger than him

His dick looked hardly bigger than average in those videos.

Classic. I'm guessing you two (or maybe just you "one) are bigger? I mean since he's "hardly bigger than average", right? Smh.

I think it it clear from your prose that you aren't looking for an intellectual discussion, you are just here to bait for replies.

^ This, this, this.
I thought that this thread was called "Mandingo final measurements" not SDP final measurements...
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I thought that this thread was called "Mandingo final measurements" not SDP final measurements...

Sdp claims to be 8.5 inches

He says Mandingo's dick is 8.7 inches

Anyone can see Mandingo's dick is more than 0.2 longer than sdp.

It's only fair that we use his own methodology on his own dick.
And how can you see that? They are obviously very similar sized. I don't know if you're jealous of sdp or something, but the attacks on him have to stop. Calling him "barely above average" and shit like that. It's ridiculous.

And PLEASE do not come back with a rebuttal consisting of a bunch of completely random photos of both of them like we all know you're going to do.

No I don't paste in pictures of peoples dicks in their galleries, I don't do that it's private I guess. I only use pics that have been uploaded to open threads or external websites.

sdp had three videos of himself on a porn tube website that he openly posted, sucking his own dick and it did not look big. It was basically a one handed penis, shame you didn't see those because it was not that impressive. Maybe those were old videos before he had done his PE or this stretching stuff that he has done. He has removed those videos.

I accept he is a legit 8.5 now and has a long one. But in his videos he looks nowhere as long as Mandingo.

If sdp is 8.5 like he claims, Mandingo is more than 0.2 inches longer. I can use his own hand methodology to show this. Like I said that we will attempted shortly.
Sdp claims to be 8.5 inches

He says Mandingo's dick is 8.7 inches

Anyone can see Mandingo's dick is more than 0.2 longer than sdp.

It's only fair that we use his own methodology on his own dick.

But we aren't talking about fair or unfair, there is a simple truth of this matter: the measurement of Mandingo. From 100+ pictures, he clocks in at around an average 9", or 8.7" to be exact. An average is basically all of the measurements added together, divided by the number of total measurements taken. I suggest sdp take the range, median, and mode (he's already done the mean, or average) just to get you to stop whining, because they usually don't yield the same results. Here is a link describing the process: http://www.purplemath.com/modules/meanmode.htm

By the way, here's a tip: this thread is not dedicated to comparison of members, if you want to apply this process to sdp, or whoever else, start your own thread.

Something of interest: even in your derailment, you are incapable of using the methodology sdp used, you are still using eyeballing techniques and calling it a day. I will take this as a sign of your incompetence, so I will literally do everything for you: https://www.raymond.cc/blog/use-computer-to-measure-length-width-and-heigth-without-a-ruler/
That's a link of a bunch of pixel measurement tools. All you need to do is get about ten images of Mandingo and use just one of these tools to measure a standard reference frame and his length. Then, get an average of those numbers. It will still be less than one-tenth of the size of sdp's image pool, but maybe you can get a more realistic idea when you, you know, actually measure the thing instead of compare it. In case you haven't noticed, it is pretty difficult to look at things and guess how long they are. If I held my hand up and asked you to guess the measurement from my pinky to my thumb, you would give me a ballpark. In reality, it is 8 inches long, but you will never know until you guess it. Circumference is even MORE tricky, which makes me think that people who assert with such confidence lengths/girths are doing so with the help of a narrative they are wishing to push, or a confirmation bias.

I will write the steps out for you.
1. Save ten random images of Mandingo. Not ones you picked out before, just ten random images. Try and be truthful.
2. Go to the link I posted and use one of those tools. If you have a Mac, go find a tool for Mac.
3. Open up the image of Mandingo and use the pixel measurement tool to measure out a standard reference frame (object we can use to be sure of the size 'x' relative to this object).
4. Now measure Mandingo's length.
5. Calculate the mean (average) of your measurements.
6. Present your findings.

We are dealing with digital images, not images with rulers in them. However, sdp realized that this is not actually the case, and that the image itself IS a ruler, because it is comprised of a pixel, which is a great unit to measure the image with. You don't seem to realize how accurate this is, as a pixel is basically a unit of measurement, in the context of our conversation. It is much more accurate than your eyeballing technique, we can get a solid answer, as opposed to hearsay.

If you don't bother replying to this post with your findings and just continue linking non-sequiturs or shifting the burden of proof, then it is clear that you are just baiting for replies, as I have literally provided you a guide because you were too lazy to read sdp's post. We are all waiting for a response. For future reference, you don't need to be spoonfed like a child in order to realize how to do something as simple as this. Again, like I said from the start, I think your reluctance is because you have no argument to present, and know that sdp's results are the best we have, better than your eyeballing.
It's arguably a waste of time to attempt to reason with them. They'll insist Lexington Steele was "measured" at 8.5"+ when the tape isn't on the same plane as the dick, is farther away from the lens than the dick, and isn't positioned dorsal. This pic was posted by sdp and it completely shows how both that Steele measurement (and the "Barbie doll" pic which every 'tard seems to love) are both horrendously inaccurate and all but useless.

But don't try to reason with these two dorks...they're void of any of it.
View attachment 597004
I like this photographic evidence. Well done. The whole point of these posts for me is to encourage other guys that they are already bigger than they think and to encourage them in their continued enlargement. These types of posts help a ton. Thanks. :)
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Sdp used to be entirely rational he posted in the past Mandingo was 9.5 or 10 inches, so did TinyPrincess.
Can't even take a few days off enjoying the sun it appears...

For me I don't know SDP and honestly I can't recall checking out his size even though it's mentioned often here - apperently by anyone but SDP himself. Seems he's the only one comfortable with his size.

As for Mandingo's size I couldn't care less as explained before in other threads. I find him a boring fuck. The only reason to have an opinion on him him is because most think he's the longest in mainstream porn.

When I joined LPSG I thought Mandingo was 9.5-10". I thought Shane Diesel was 9*7.5". I thought Shorty Mac was the 8*8" he claims. I was simply naive enough to take their claims for good.

In another thread I think we have all reached an agreement on Shane Diesel, so let's go from the realistic assessment of 7.5*6.5" on him.

As Shane's clearly longer than Shorty, Shorty has to be less than 7". Likewise we can guesstimate a lot of pornstars on how they compare with Shane. Ramon e.g. must be 7.6*6.4'ish - in comparison and according to measuring pictures.

To my knowledge Mandingo has kept clear of any measuring pictures - best guesstimate must be the very published Barbie Doll.

I like the work done by SDP as the number of pictures gives a greater base for guestimating. I see no flaws in SDPs methodology. SDP might be off by a few percent - again I wouldn't have a problem with that as I primarily see his work as a method to rule out variance using massive number of pictures.

Thus Mandingo could very likely be 8.7'ish - even if SDP is off by a percent or two, it still wouldn't be possible for Mandingo to be the 9.5-10" you argue for.