Hopefully the definitive mandingo length analysis

i am not expert in photoshop so idk they maybe fake but if they are not fake then this guys are 9+
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Now somebody could work with this picture. It's a pretty straightforward shot, so all you have to do is "estimate" the size of his cock head. Try 1.5" and 2", or most likely, something in between. And then see what fraction of his entire length the head is.

I appreciate if someone like freakwithtwohands or sdp could do some analysis on this picture. Most clear picture of forearm measurement for Mandingo in existence.


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starts from 1.75 and ends at 8.75 jmac is 7" max if i am being generous
and it's not the same forearm position in jmac's pic as in mandingo's
this pic is much better for comparison purposes with mandingo's pic
View attachment 612816
Well said brother! That's the type of straight up logic I like to see on here. Its inspiring that we all know Mandingo's approximate size now, however what is FAR MORE IMPORTANT in my opinion is the vast differences that can be achieved in measurements strictly due to angle of measures. We are talking literally 2 inches difference for cocks that have upward curves and as much as 3 inches for straight or downward facing ones. If it were somehow confirmed one way or the other that Mandingo did or did not get his suspensory ligament cut that would be revolutionary regarding his actual size. In the video with Valentina Nappi that I posted earlier in this forum, his penis clearly sinks in to his body very oddly and then shoots way out back and forth having nothing to do with his erection level. His cock looks like it was surgically altered, where his balls sit in front of his body, the fact it shoots out, the fact he always leaves pubic hair right where the incision scar would still be, etc. I personally won't be surprise either way, if he did or did not, but I can't get it out of the back of my head, everything about his penile SHAPE and function, regardless of size, indicates penile lengthening surgery to me.

SOME SIDE-NOTES: Just a quick thank you to all of you on here.This forum and other similar ones have worked wonders for my self-confidence regarding my size. I hope it has done the same for you other brothers on here. When I found out that I was already at least as long as Shane Diesel that was absolutely revolutionary for me.

PERSONAL OPINIONS AND HOPES: I am very excited to start seeing (and producing) penis size progression porn series. I feel these are gonna be the next big thing to hit the industry. Its personally the type of stuff I plan on doing personally in my own porn film series. Instead of "the biggest" being the world obsession, its gonna be the most massive growers through PE that are gonna start grabbing everybody's attention. I feel this will be so popular because they will be representing "the triumphant underdogs" so to speak. I feel way more men will be inspired by that type of porn and it will be giving encouragement to the viewer more. The theme of guys out-sizing other dudes over time through persistent effort. I feel in this way "big dick" oriented porn will have a much more beneficial effect on society.
I appreciate if someone like freakwithtwohands or sdp could do some analysis on this picture. Most clear picture of forearm measurement for Mandingo in existence.
Excellent pic for analysis. There is at least an inch and a half of her forearm to the side of his cock. Plus it is clearly beneath his cock which easily adds another inch in appearance. What video is that from and how tall is that girl in relation to Piper Perri? Who is the actress in that pic?
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Not 2 inches difference there but I think the first picture sells Dingo short to be fair. Lovely cock nonetheless :D Oops, just noticed she's cheating in the picture with the white guy - elbow into his leg. Still not quite 2 inches in it I think - more like 1.5" based on above pictures. This is where methodology and a large base of pictures helps. SDP style :)

But more comparable then the other two pictures at least.

Problem being (if I takes on Goldzilla's view) is that these pictures actually seems to downplay Dingo's size quite a bit. How can he be 9.5-10" if he's only half a cockhead longer than an 8" forearm? (Assuming her forearm is 8"- mine is somewhat shorter, and I'm her size).

If the white guys is 7.25" and he's 2" shorter than Mandingo, it's still just 9.25". If the white guy is closer to 6.5'ish, Dingo is down to 8.5'ish. If Dingo is only 1.5" longer as suggested in above pictures it could be even worse. I'm not going to downplay Mandingo though. I still think SDP has it nailed fairly precise.

I have a VERY strong feeling that Piper Perri's forearm is NOT the full 8 inches long.

A VERY IMPORTANT POINT TO REMEMBER FOR ALL OF US: Penis size is ALWAYS in ranges. There is literally no such thing as a guy being ONE maximum size. Every single man's penis size WILL vary from one half to one full-inch depending on arousal level and if his cock is straight or upward curved naturally. (Straight and/or downward curved penises like Mandingo's always have at least slightly more measurement variation than upward curved ones.) So saying Mandingo is 8.5 to 9.5 inches is literally more accurate than saying he is one or the other size BOTH are correct. I know this from first hand experience measuring my own penis. I can literally measure accurately from bare baseline 7 inches all the way to 8 inches erect. (and I even have an upward curve) So I always say my starting size is: the 7.5 to 7.75 range as that is the measure I get at standard arousal levels. Basic arousal slightly less, blood engorged full arousal, flattening my cock I can get 8 inches. My whole point here is we have NAILED Mandingo's SIZE RANGE which IS his actual "size" 8.5 to 9.5 and MAYBE 10 if he is insanely aroused, really bone pressed and fully blood engorged and downward pointing his cock during his measurement.
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It's not always possible to understand everything porn companies do. Dogfart and BangBros edit the majority of their photographs that they release with scenes. In most cases they make the dicks look bigger but sometimes it doesn't always work that way.

Look at the following attachment which is obviously edited. Mandingo with Chanel Preston. Firstly there is no forearm measurement in the scene itself but they choose to include it in pictures with the scene. If anything that measurement tends to downplay Mandingo.


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A VERY IMPORTANT POINT TO REMEMBER FOR ALL OF US: Penis size is ALWAYS in ranges. There is literally no such thing as a guy being ONE maximum size. Every single man's penis size WILL vary from one half to one full-inch depending on arousal level and if his cock is straight or upward curved naturally. (Straight and/or downward curved penises like Mandingo's always have at least slightly more measurement variation than upward curved ones.)

Exactly but there are users on this thread who believe Mandingo is 8.7 inches exact and they quote this figure like a religious script. They think they know the exact cm. They say he can't be 9 inches, it has to be 8.7 or it always has to be under 9" somehow. That is funny.

All men have an erection level that will vary up to 0.5 inches depending on sexual arousal or different conditions.
Exactly but there are users on this thread who believe Mandingo is 8.7 inches exact and they quote this figure like a religious script. They think they know the exact cm. They say he can't be 9 inches, it has to be 8.7 or it always has to be under 9" somehow. That is funny.

All men have an erection level that will vary up to 0.5 inches depending on sexual arousal or different conditions.
i don't care how big exactly mandingo is, i think he is around 9 maybe a little longer maybe a little shorter but one thing for sure he is not 13-12-11 or even 10, i don't know why guys keep arguing about if he is 8.7 8.8 or 9 i mean it won't make your life any better if mandingo is 8.7 or 9.2 it's just numbers :)
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It won't make life any better but it will help to reduce the number of ridiculous claims here - and it will help small guys, average guys and big guys to appreciate their own cocks more if they learn that there's no footlongs or even 10" cocks in porn.

Bringing some realism into cocksizes can't be all bad...