Hopefully the definitive mandingo length analysis

it won't make your life any better if mandingo is 8.7 or 9.2
I've always figured the main reason Mandingo is always under the microscope is that he's pretty clearly some amount bigger than most of the monster dick porn guys (and all other dicks). Someone claiming that he or someone else is "X" size when it comes out to an inch or more longer than that guy is kind of pointless. As Tiny Princess said, the realism will help overall.
His cock looks like it was surgically altered, where his balls sit in front of his body, the fact it shoots out, the fact he always leaves pubic hair right where the incision scar would still be, etc. I personally won't be surprise either way, if he did or did not, but I can't get it out of the back of my head, everything about his penile SHAPE and function, regardless of size, indicates penile lengthening surgery to me.
He's had me thinking that sort of stuff as well, not so much for the way his dick sits or the way he shaves, but because there's a weird almost perfectly cylindrical segment of his shaft near the base which is larger in girth, sometimes has a pretty well defined stopping point, but most importantly, never seems to deflate once he's erect. If he loses enough pressure (which is rare), you can almost see a sort of knee where the top half of his dick sits and begins to bend,etc. That lower segment always remains the same.

I'll admit I'm clueless on dick surgeries and modifications, and don't know what a mechanically enhanced erection typically looks like, so that may not be a possibility.

Take Care
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It's not always possible to understand everything porn companies do. Dogfart and BangBros edit the majority of their photographs that they release with scenes. In most cases they make the dicks look bigger but sometimes it doesn't always work that way.

Look at the following attachment which is obviously edited. Mandingo with Chanel Preston. Firstly there is no forearm measurement in the scene itself but they choose to include it in pictures with the scene. If anything that measurement tends to downplay Mandingo.
I've always figured the main reason Mandingo is always under the microscope is that he's pretty clearly some amount bigger than most of the monster dick porn guys (and all other dicks). Someone claiming that he or someone else is "X" size when it comes out to an inch or more longer than that guy is kind of pointless. As Tiny Princess said, the realism will help overall.
He's had me thinking that sort of stuff as well, not so much for the way his dick sits or the way he shaves, but because there's a weird almost perfectly cylindrical segment of his shaft near the base which is larger in girth, sometimes has a pretty well defined stopping point, but most importantly, never seems to deflate once he's erect. If he loses enough pressure (which is rare), you can almost see a sort of knee where the top half of his dick sits and begins to bend,etc. That lower segment always remains the same.

I'll admit I'm clueless on dick surgeries and modifications, and don't know what a mechanically enhanced erection typically looks like, so that may not be a possibility.

Take Care
Yeah brother, exactly, that is another great point. A penis enlargement surgery can definitely do that for a guy who is already big. Giving him just that extra little length to help his career. This is why I feel it is so important for this to be analyzed further. Because if it is somehow confirmed one way or another definitively that he has or has not had penile enlargement surgery, this would bring a whole new world of discussion to the table regarding actual porn-star penis sizes and the reality thereof. I have just posted a new thread more specific to this.
Succeeded in highjacking his thread instead of making a new
I realize what I post may be seen as a little off topic. But I do personally feel such points are significant when using any method of measurement and do save us all alot of time.

I have indeed just set up a new thread regarding more specifically the angle of measure issue and the size range vs. exact size being a more accurate and streamlined measurement process. Everyone feel free to post on my new thread as you wish.
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Yeah brother, exactly, that is another great point. A penis enlargement surgery can definitely do that for a guy who is already big. Giving him just that extra little length to help his career. This is why I feel it is so important for this to be analyzed further. Because if it is somehow confirmed one way or another definitively that he has or has not had penile enlargement surgery, this would bring a whole new world of discussion to the table regarding actual porn-star penis sizes and the reality thereof. I have just posted a new thread more specific to this.
Here is the direct link to my new thread regarding more specifically the 1: Angle of measure difference in appearance and measurement and 2. The the accuracy of the size range vs. "exact" size discussion:
Feel free to post to help me get this discussion started!
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It won't make life any better but it will help to reduce the number of ridiculous claims here - and it will help small guys, average guys and big guys to appreciate their own cocks more if they learn that there's no footlongs or even 10" cocks in porn.

Bringing some realism into cocksizes can't be all bad...
you are right but as long as we know mandingo is not 12 11 or 10 inches long, does it matter whether if he is 8.9 or 9.1
you are right but as long as we know mandingo is not 12 11 or 10 inches long, does it matter whether if he is 8.9 or 9.1

How do you know Mandingo is not 10 inches though on a very good day? He is the only guy in porn who can claim this and get away with it. It is not impossible he might just hit 10

I am a member on other porn forums and a lot of guys I talk to who have big dick themselves, put Mandingo at exactly 10 inches in length.
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I think your esmtimations are off by an inch for other pornstars you think lex and jack are 9" and moe is 8.75
i know he is not 10" based on how he compare to other pornstars like lex jack boz and wesley no way mandingo is 2" longer than these guys
you are right but as long as we know mandingo is not 12 11 or 10 inches long, does it matter whether if he is 8.9 or 9.1
Personally I couldn't care less, as a proud member of the "downplaying crowd" (or whatever the term was) I'm actually interested for the earlier mentioned reasons. If this thread can help estimate a sound measurement for Mandingo, it (together with the already agreed sizes for Shane Diesel, Ramon, etc.) can help setting a more realistic upper limit for pornstars (and all the footlong-dreamers here). I don't care whether Mandingo is 8.5" or 9.0" - I'm not going to fuck him - and if I were it wouldn't matter anyways.

I'm merely supportive to this thread (and others on sizes) to bring some realism into it. Imagine if guys were realistic about porn and internet inches and were proud of own cock. It would be heaven for women - self-confident guys - not the SPH puppies we often encounter.
I think your esmtimations are off by an inch for other pornstars you think lex and jack are 9" and moe is 8.75
i know he is not 10" based on how he compare to other pornstars like lex jack boz and wesley no way mandingo is 2" longer than these guys
Actually Goldzilla posted a picture of Lex' dildo on the measured thread - it's 8".

I doubt Mandingo is 2" longer - even on a good day ;)
I am a member on other porn forums and a lot of guys I talk to who have big dick themselves, put Mandingo at exactly 10 inches in length.
This is exactly why this thread is important - if we can methodological settle a realistic size for Mandingo, we can end (I know never going to happen IRL) all the claims and SPH nonsense.

As long as it's methodologically settled Mandingo can be 8.5", 8.75", 9.0" or for that sake 10", 11" or 12" ;)
when mandingo was claiming 14" lex was claiming 13" then they both have lowered their claims to 12 and 11 inches respectively, i think mandingo is only one inch longer than lex at most
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can you post the measurement of the guy who measures 9.25 nbp never seen anyone who measures over 9 nbp
the biggest correctly measured in the internet i have found is this guy http://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph557b796994214 he seems 9.5 to 9.75 Bonepressed i think none bonpressed this guy would be slightly under 9

Sorry, to make it clear I meant the guy did not accurately measure over 9nbp.

I agree with you, I've never seen a dick over 9 NBP.

Mr Snufalufugus--I've seen all his pics...he's similar length to Quercusone ...not over 9 NBP if measured with a ruler and dick parallel.
This is exactly why this thread is important - if we can methodological settle a realistic size for Mandingo, we can end (I know never going to happen IRL) all the claims and SPH nonsense.

As long as it's methodologically settled Mandingo can be 8.5", 8.75", 9.0" or for that sake 10", 11" or 12" ;)
Bingo, that is music to my ears (eyes) as I'm reading it. LOL
Personally I couldn't care less, as a proud member of the "downplaying crowd" (or whatever the term was) I'm actually interested for the earlier mentioned reasons. If this thread can help estimate a sound measurement for Mandingo, it (together with the already agreed sizes for Shane Diesel, Ramon, etc.) can help setting a more realistic upper limit for pornstars (and all the footlong-dreamers here). I don't care whether Mandingo is 8.5" or 9.0" - I'm not going to fuck him - and if I were it wouldn't matter anyways.

I'm merely supportive to this thread (and others on sizes) to bring some realism into it. Imagine if guys were realistic about porn and internet inches and were proud of own cock. It would be heaven for women - self-confident guys - not the SPH puppies we often encounter.

Reading that is music to my ears (or eyes more specifically) LOL. Its true, that the purpose of this thread is to give everyone on here a bigger confidence boost regarding their own current size, as they can see through this method that you are not really as small as you may think you are. Our purpose with determining Mandingo's actual size range is a positive one. Often we see people saying: What does it matter? Knowing Mandingo's approximate size matters to many people for legitimate reasons. In my opinion we have already nailed his size range accurately, but it is still important to keep the photographic and video evidence pouring in on here for that much more confirmation.
you are right but as long as we know mandingo is not 12 11 or 10 inches long, does it matter whether if he is 8.9 or 9.1
And what I'm saying brother is that he is both 8.75 and 9.25 and more or less in length is his standard erectile range. He can measure longer or shorter based on angle of measure, level of arousal, etc. He could easily measure 10 inches or more with his erect penis pointing downward as that automatically adds at least an inch in measured length. None of the stationary numbers are ever accurate by themselves, as an erection is always slightly varying. But it seems some feel this point requires a different forum, although I feel it is very relevant here.
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I am a member on other porn forums and a lot of guys I talk to who have big dick themselves, put Mandingo at exactly 10 inches in length.
I'll admit I don't know the specific cases you're referring to, but it sounds like the same old same old where "he can't be that size because I'm almost this size". If he gets too close to their own size, they'll need to come down, which nobody wants to do.
I'll admit I don't know the specific cases you're referring to, but it sounds like the same old same old where "he can't be that size because I'm almost this size". If he gets too close to their own size, they'll need to come down, which nobody wants to do.

One of the guys on thunderplace who claims huge sizes and says he's "not that big" and who no one questions (and whose pics are dodgy) said there's "no way" Mandingo's only 10, because I'm "around there" and Mandingo looks way bigger. Also said Mandingo had to be over 7 girth, since he himself was 6.75 and again Mandingo "looks way bigger" :D
This is some VERY interesting video footage in my opinion. Very revealing about Mandingo's actual size range.
Pay very close attention to the first few minutes of the video and how big his penis actually appears. Significantly smaller in appearance than in other videos. I am now going to focus on the videos containing the largest women Mandingo has had sex with on camera. They are few and far between and these are the vids that are best for accurate analysis. I will also focus on Mandingo's own 2 hands on his cock in pictures and videos, as this is a very good basis of measurement.

# 1: How Mandingo's hand fills up about half his penis length. (My hand is exactly 4 inches and considered wide for a male hand BUT even at a baseline erection measurement of 7.5 inches long I can fit my 2 entire hand widths on my penis with plenty of head and shaft still showing) Now, unless Mandingo has insanely wide hands you can clearly see he can fit 2 hands with some shaft left. Most of you can do this yourselves, try it on yourself if you don't believe me! Even a 6 inch long penis will have room left over plus the head!
# 2: Notice how the girl in the video seems to be at least slightly taller than other girls often filmed with him. (Bigger than the vast majority of other girls Mandingo is shown having sex with on camera, except maybe Phoenix Marie and a few others)
# 3 Look when she has 2 hands on his cock and then when it is between her breasts. She can fit 2 hands and the 3rd hand would completely cover his cock. 3 AVERAGE female hand widths (with no overlapping at all would equal EXACTLY 8.75 inches long) but there is always some overlapping of 1 half to 2 inches with hands on any penis as illustrated in the pics I will show below. This is because the farthest part of the hand sticks out an extra inch than the rest. This woman's hands are very likely below average sized. But, like the rest of this entire forum we will be more than fair and generous and just assume her hands are average sized.

THE FIRST PIC IS FROM LATER IN THE VIDEO TAKEN FROM BELOW, NOTICE THE VAST DIFFERENCE IN SIZE APPEARANCE STRICTLY BASED ON CAMERA ANGLE: Notice also how large the girls is compared to the tiny girls he normally has sex with on camera.
NOTE: The other man's penis in the pics below that illustrates the 2 hands principle of measure below IS NOT my penis.
I am happy to send private pics of my own upon request. But please do not post them publicly. I will do that myself when I have enlarged to where I really want to be. Cheers :)
