Photo Hot older men

Very interesting phots, sir. Dang, You are nicely hairy and handsome too. The picture of you vacuuming was the best because a successful relationship depend a lot on shared values. I like things picked up and clean. Are you on any of these pictures. If that is you in front of the stove: I found that really sexy, as you probably find dividing house hold tasks important. It's simply necessary. -Sreven
Very interesting phots, sir. Dang, You are nicely hairy and handsome too. The picture of you vacuuming was the best because a successful relationship depend a lot on shared values. I like things picked up and clean. Are you on any of these pictures. If that is you in front of the stove: I found that really sexy, as you probably find dividing house hold tasks important. It's simply necessary. -Sreven
Not all of my message came through. Very interesting phots, sir. Dang, You are nicely hairy and handsome too. The picture of you vacuuming was the best because a successful relationship depend a lot on shared values. I like things picked up around the house and clean. Are you on any of these pictures? If that is you in front of the stove: I found that really sexy, as you probably find dividing house hold tasks important. It's simply necessary. BTW, If the first and last are you, darn what a great beard. I've always admired men's general beards even after they shave. Now that I can grow one (not as nice as that) and I have one; I appreciate it even more. If I run across a bearded man at Target or Kroger, I will comment that, "That's a great beard", they generally respond without any delay, Thank-You. I've noticed that maybe they are like me, the only ones that appreciate their beards as much as I do. If they respond, "So is yours" I am elated. I'm 65 and it salt & pepper, more pepper at this time. Yet, it sure beasts shaving and I feel more manly, and I don't feel like punk bait. I like the way mine looks on me. I'm no spring chicken, nor do I want to be ashamed of getting older. Steven. P.S. What a handsome man.
Chris Fowler from ESPN (59 years old). Incredible physique and really handsome guy. Wish he had more shirtless pics but he said his wife won’t let him post “thirst traps” on IG I’d love to see his bare torso though. He’s ripped.
