Photo Hot older men

He is only like 30 or 31. How does that make him old??
He's 31? I'm not being derogatory. He's quite good looking . If you think I'm insulting some by not getting their age correctly, well exxccccuussse Me. I'd love to be 31 again. However, he's doesn't look 31. I could believe 41. Do I believe he is 59. NO. Why are you his curator, Konstantin Kamynin? Why does age matter at all? It wouldn't to me. Steven.
Chris Fowler from ESPN (59 years old). Incredible physique and really handsome guy. Wish he had more shirtless pics but he said his wife won’t let him post “thirst traps” on IG I’d love to see his bare torso though. He’s ripped.
ESPN still exists? I gave up cable because of ESPN's high cost and the fact that vey few important events are broadcast on it. The past couple of time I observed it, they were playing poker. $8 a month for poker? If are watching a channel to check out some cute guy, then you need to give up cable too.
Now, this gentleman is a very handsome man. I really appreciate hairy men. He has the right amount of chest and arm hair. Grey looks very good with the right haircut, and he is also in nice shape. If I could mention; no-one looks good with a phone, especially guys from the east coast. Why can't you guys loose that Boston or NY accent, you speak too loudly and it's not real interesting. " What's with the swim suit? If you are going to go that small & tight, get a speedo, but not even Olympians look good in them. I think a pair of nylon short shorts would look better and you also adjust them just so, so we can look up the legs or "accidentally" let your privates slip out standing up or getting out of the pool (after you have cut out that uncomfortable mesh junk holder). Is that a golf glove tan you are sporting? I too, like caps that are a bit worn out, but who can hold up a Harley at a stop light? Get a fishing cap. I didn't check out your stats, but I would guess you are 50 to 55. If you are 65; I am jealous. If I found myself on the beach with you, I'd set my chair up as close to yours as possible. If I had those olympic score cars; I'd give him or you a 10. Way to go !
I often went to Eagle Creek Park mid day and removed my shorts and jogged around. It had miles of trails such as this. I am hairier than he is, but he has a most excellent beard, something which I can now grow and enjoy it a lot. I love being naked out doors. I always wished I had run into this man or someone like him; but I never had such luck. I love seeing a man's cock flop back & forth. I find this extremely erotic.
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Now, this gentleman is a very handsome man. I really appreciate hairy men. He has the right amount of chest and arm hair. Grey looks very good with the right haircut, and he is also in nice shape. If I could mention; no-one looks good with a phone, especially guys from the east coast. Why can't you guys loose that Boston or NY accent, you speak too loudly and it's not real interesting. " What's with the swim suit? If you are going to go that small & tight, get a speedo, but not even Olympians look good in them. I think a pair of nylon short shorts would look better and you also adjust them just so, so we can look up the legs or "accidentally" let your privates slip out standing up or getting out of the pool (after you have cut out that uncomfortable mesh junk holder). Is that a golf glove tan you are sporting? I too, like caps that are a bit worn out, but who can hold up a Harley at a stop light? Get a fishing cap. I didn't check out your stats, but I would guess you are 50 to 55. If you are 65; I am jealous. If I found myself on the beach with you, I'd set my chair up as close to yours as possible. If I had those olympic score cars; I'd give him or you a 10. Way to go !
Alas this is not me, just an admirer here! He is pretty sexy, even on the phone ;)
He's 31? I'm not being derogatory. He's quite good looking . If you think I'm insulting some by not getting their age correctly, well exxccccuussse Me. I'd love to be 31 again. However, he's doesn't look 31. I could believe 41. Do I believe he is 59. NO. Why are you his curator, Konstantin Kamynin? Why does age matter at all? It wouldn't to me. Steven.
He is definitely not 41 and doesn't look that old neither. I would think in his mid or late 30s. Yes, that's his age 31 or 30. There is a recent post of his birthday. Mind you that I have been following him since he was 25 and back then he already looked in his 30s too. I guess it's the steroids overuse.
He is definitely not 41 and doesn't look that old neither. I would think in his mid or late 30s. Yes, that's his age 31 or 30. There is a recent post of his birthday. Mind you that I have been following him since he was 25 and back then he already looked in his 30s too. I guess it's the steroids overuse.
Yea that's certainly a problem. They make you horny, makes it harder to cum, and shrinks your balls. I've never done them because I read they shrink your balls.
Yea that's certainly a problem. They make you horny, makes it harder to cum, and shrinks your balls. I've never done them because I read they shrink your balls.
Yes they shrink your balls. But they eventually come back to size.
I often went to Eagle Creek Park mid day and removed my shorts and jogged around. It had miles of trails such as this. I am hairier than he is, but he has a most excellent beard, something which I can now grow and enjoy it a lot. I love being naked out doors. I always wished I had run into this man or someone like him; but I never had such luck. I love seeing a man's cock flop back & forth. I find this extremely erotic.

The sight of this man, wearing plaid shirt, hairy and no pants. It get my blood boiling. To your point of steroids, some guys look pretty hot all built and whatnot, but many of them are not strong in a practical way. Men who climb and trim trees are quite strong, are slimmer, no six packs; yet they can work 6 or 7 hours and not even look tired. I worked out for 20 years and when I bout a small, old farm; I found most of my weight room strength was fairly useless. If you pan pick up 300 lbs in 50 lb bags and be ready for more, then you have achieved something.
The sight of this man, wearing plaid shirt, hairy and no pants. It get my blood boiling. To your point of steroids, some guys look pretty hot all built and whatnot, but many of them are not strong in a practical way. Men who climb and trim trees are quite strong, are slimmer, no six packs; yet they can work 6 or 7 hours and not even look tired. I worked out for 20 years and when I bout a small, old farm; I found most of my weight room strength was fairly useless. If you pan pick up 300 lbs in 50 lb bags and be ready for more, then you have achieved something.

True. It's what you train for. Years ago I went to a fair with group of about 12 guys. The walkway from the parking lot to the fair had us going over train tracks. So it was climb 3 flights of stairs, walk 20 feet,down 3 flights, walk 20 feet, up 3 flights, repeat, repeat, & repeat who knows how many times. I'm gabbing away with some of the guys and we're really not paying any attention to anything. Suddenly we hear, "Yo, wait up! This isn't a race! Chill!" The 4 of us turn around... all 4 of us with CIGARETTES IN OUR HANDS saying "What's wrong?"

Who was asking us to slow down? The guys who spent all their free time lifting weights and climbing on their stairmasters! While we were waiting we asking each other how this was possible since none of us had done any aerobic exercise in years. It turned out all of us worked in big buildings like hospitals, high schools, etc. So our jobs had us up and down real stairs all day long, even though we all imagined ourselves as having very sedentary jobs.

Another time a bunch of us were packing a van for a road trip. Two body builder types were struggling with a cooler they were carrying. They put it down, warned us it was really heavy, and ran off. My friend & I wondered how the fuck we're were going to lift it into the van. It turned out to be only 1/4 full and weighed maybe 50lbs tops! Yet those other guys routinely did bicep curls with dumbells I'd need both hands just to pick up off the rack!

Work done in the gym and work done in everyday life often doesn't carry over. It makes no sense but there you go.
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