This literally happened in 2019 as I stated. Not now! Maybe read a bit more throughly next time? Everything that I mentioned is the truth. Go and research it. Many articles were posted at the time at how he killed his own mega babyface push that year.

He is insanely over now. I never said anything about this current period in time so I’m not sure why you’ve even brought that up?

Seems I’ve hit a nerve though… :joy:
"He literally killed the biggest push of his career!"

The biggest push of his career is happening right now.
"He literally killed the biggest push of his career!"

The biggest push of his career is happening right now.
Incorrect. 2019 he won the Rumble, beat Brock twice for the Universal Title and was positioned as the top star in the company. Even above Reigns. Can’t say that today can we? This year he’s had mid card feuds with Theory and Logan Paul and has now won the consolation prize with that new title because they won’t have Reigns lose.

He’s getting a big push but it’s nowhere near being placed as the face of the company in 2019. Delusional!
Incorrect. 2019 he won the Rumble, beat Brock twice for the Universal Title and was positioned as the top star in the company. Even above Reigns. Can’t say that today can we? This year he’s had mid card feuds with Theory and Logan Paul and has now won the consolation prize with that new title because they won’t have Reigns lose.

He’s getting a big push but it’s nowhere near being placed as the face of the company in 2019. Delusional!