How common are 11 inch cocks?

opposites attract . as I said you secretly like me and you log off this website and think about me a lil bit ;)

Only if I'm feeling nauseated but just can't quite puke it up...
Thought you were done at the end of July??

Told you I'd hold you to it...

Just stoppin' by to see the updates on this thread. Got my morning comedy relief so far.

But whatever did you do goldzillious to receive such clawing and biting? Hm?
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Just read back a few pages if you want some insight and a few more giggles, Meaty...

Nothing better than great laughs in the morning combined with a massive boner.
Just stoppin' by to see the updates on this thread. Got my morning comedy relief so far.

But whatever did you do goldzillious to receive such clawing and biting? Hm?
In short: being openly racist and trying to justify his sick mind with statistics he doesn't even understand.
The thread with his blatant bullshit got closed though (and deleted by now as it seems). Now he tries to make jokes about it but believe me it was anything but funny, unless you're a member of the KKK.
I'm not racist though, and you and fade and snakebyte are being mean to me :(:( I have been nice to you all. You are bullying me.

Report me then asshole. I'm just sharing my honest thoughts about your honest thoughts. Call it bullying all you want. Melt away snowflake.

You are a fucking racist. And you lied. You're still here, and it's not July anymore.

Feel free to put me on Ignore. If you feel so insulted and bullied :rolleyes:
Yeah, because someone who spouts racist shit deserves to be coddled like a fuckin' baby...

Cry some more muhfucker..
I'm not racist though, and you and fade and snakebyte are being mean to me :(:( I have been nice to you all. You are bullying me.

Well, racism is clearly not good. And obviously none of us support it.
What exactly did you post @goldzilla to make them think you are racist?
These types of messages will probably be better for another Thread specifically on the topic.
But I have some insights below that may shed some light:

I do know the term "racist" gets thrown around alot often times in places that racism is simply assumed, even on these threads.
Is that maybe what happened in this case with goldzilla?

For Example: If a guy is proud to be white, that does not mean he is a racist as he may very well appreciate all ethnicities just the same as his own but still be proud to be Caucasian and proud of his or her Caucasian heritage. But many people will assume that such a guy is "racist" simply because other men who expressed ethnic pride WERE also racist. Although he may not be himself.
Analyzing general observable trends involving ethnicities also does not make one racist unless one clearly and blatantly puts down others on a racial basis.

Another Example: It is a fact that where I grew up (Flint, Michigan) the number of African Americans who were involved in murder and other crimes was way higher than any other ethnicity in the area. That was documented. That is a statistical and observable fact, its not racist in any way. My own great uncle who was elderly was murdered by 3 African American ethnicity men who killed him just to go to prison for life. That is also a shocking fact as unbelievable as it may sound. The men themselves confirmed their motive.
My own father was attacked by men of the same African American ethnicity many times over and also stabbed so his paranoia had some instinctual basis as his brain automatically associated that ethnicity with many attempts on his life. So even though he is not racist, the paranoia is there based on the above experiences. Does such instinctual PTSD based paranoia make him racist?

Anyway, my point is someone being a little paranoid of another ethnicity in general may not be that they are racist but have legitimate cause for caution in their own personal life (like almost being killed many times). Those 3 men who killed my uncle acted like they were friendly to get into his house first, then stabbed him to death. So there is a paranoia of deceit at work in the brain as well.
Its physiological brain chemistry in my dad's case, not choice or assumption based.
You have to be on your guard to survive in Flint, Michigan as a Caucasian man, that is a fact.
Because many African Americans in that area are racist towards us and that is a major basis of them killing so many white people there. That is also a fact.
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